Patriotic Education of Police Officers as a Means of Improving the Effectiveness of the Fight Against Crime



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Fostering a sense of patriotism among police officers is of crucial importance in the formation of a full-fledged self-sufficient personality with high professionalism, serving for the benefit of the Motherland. The facts from the history of the emergence of patriotism are mentioned, whose interests they represented, what importance they attached to the education of patriotism in Russia in the last century, how the program for the education of patriotism among police officers changed, what importance they attach to it now. The article deals with the problems of education of patriotism among law enforcement officers. In modern Russia, the previously not-so-important qualities of a police officer's personality are once again becoming a priority. The use of various means and methods in the work of fostering a sense of patriotism is raised in the work, and the structure, content, and components of patriotic education are also considered. This is a way of unity, integration, and readiness to protect your country and citizens in any situation, including from the harmful effects of criminal organizations. In the course of working on the article, the author identified a number of measures that contribute to the effectiveness of education of patriotism among law enforcement officers, as well as events that include competitions, evenings in memory of deceased employees during the performance of official duty, assistance to the remaining family members. They are also involved in the education of patriotism among young specialists, Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, veterans of the Second World War. There are such methods in the work of patriotic education as the method of example, encouragement, coercion, exercise, criticism, and persuasion. All methods should be approached correctly, using them in a complex. Among the means used in the education of a sense of patriotism among police officers, I would like to highlight the service rituals mentioned in the article. For their implementation, it is desirable to have symbols (coat of arms, flag, anthem of Russia, banners, etc.). The role of patriotic education of police officers and its connection in the fight against criminals is determined. A modern police officer must be fully developed and educated, in the consciousness of which such definitions as protection of the population from the criminal world, loyalty to the state, loyalty to the Fatherland are firmly established.




Aslan Karachaev

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

police Senior lieutenant, lecturer of the Department of Law Enforcement Organization Nalchik, Russia


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