Some Features of the Investigation of Crimes Committed by Organized Criminal Groups and Criminal Communities



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Investigations of crimes committed by organized criminal groups and criminal communities have their own characteristic features, i.e. specific features peculiar to these structures. This article discusses these features and indicates that at the beginning of the investigation it is necessary to identify the common characteristics inherent in these elements of the crime. The purpose of writing a scientific article is to consider some of the characteristics of these groups and communities and to develop proposals for improving the production of preliminary investigations. Based on these goals, the task of the scientific research was to study the characteristics of situational criminal groups, companies, organized groups and communities. The relevance of this article is due to the fact that in the forensic and procedural literature this issue has been considered for a long time, but at the same time, the issues to be established in a criminal case are not highlighted.




Violeta Kharzinova

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of State and Civil Law Disciplines. Nalchik, Russia

Ramazan Alchakov

Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the KCR

Police Colonel, Head of the Investigative Department Nalchik, Russia


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