Mechanism of the State: Systemic and Functional Aspects



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Purpose of the researching. In the article draws attention to the fact, that in the domestic literature on the theory of law and state, other juridical sciences sporadically have been discussed the question about the content of the definition «state mechanism». In this regard, the aim of the study is an attempt to find an original, acceptable and generalizing position of different scientists - juridical scholars on this issue of defining of the mechanism of the state as a scientific category. Conclusions. As a result of the analysis, based on the systemic and functional approaches, the authors come to the conclusion that the mechanism of the state is a set of interconnected functioning elements (state bodies, state employees, etc.) that ensure the proper regulation of public relations and the implementation of relevant public goals, objectives, functions. Authors are talking not so much about a static as a dynamic state-juridical phenomenon, covering in one format or another with its own influence all spheres of the current system of social relations. The mechanism of the state reflects the specifics of public administration from the point of view of a definite given result, changes (or preservation in a relatively unchanged form) of social reality, streamlining of public relations (ensuring of law and order, legality, security, guaranteed of the rights, fundamental freedoms of man and citizen, etc.), achieving important national goals and priorities. The system of elements of this mechanism provides the state, as the «core» of the political system of society, the quintessence of public power, legitimacy, legality, necessary, but not always sufficient resistance to emerging internal and external threats, challenges, dangers.




Rafail Valiev

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

Cand.Sci.(Politics), Associate Professor, docent of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law Kazan, Russia

Galina Shashkarova

Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

senior investigator of the police department for servicing of Moscow state university named after M.V.Lomonosov of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Western Administrative District of Moscow, police major, post-graduate student of the department of theory and history of state and law of the juridical faculty Kazan, Russia


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