Spread of "Fake" Information as a Cause of Civil Disorders



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The pandemic situation that developed at the beginning of last year had a negative impact on almost all spheres of life in all geospace. The situation, which had no precedents in recent history, predetermined the need to take adequate countermeasures on the part of state authorities and law enforcement agencies in particular. The introduction of non-working days on the territory of the state for a long time, with the introduction of rather strict prohibitive and restrictive measures, formed a generally negative mood in society, when citizens began to look for the cause of what was happening, as well as to satisfy the need for communication using the global Internet, especially in social networks and various types of "messengers". This was taken advantage of by the attackers who attempted to use the situation to please their personal goals, most often political ones, presenting the primary cause of all negative trends to miscalculations and shortcomings in the activities of public authorities. By distributing presentably designed videos, in which misrepresented facts were shown as true, these persons systematically created a negative background, and subsequently began to call for unauthorized public events. This resulted in group violations of public order that took place last and this year in some cities of Russia. This fact predetermined the need for a commensurate response on the part of state authorities. Work in this direction has received its consolidation in the changes and additions that took place during the specified period in a number of legislative acts. It should also be recognized that the activities of law enforcement agencies to suppress civil disorders, including at the stage of their prevention using operational-investigative measures in cyberspace, should be recognized as quite effective. The current situation is extremely unstable and undergoes significant changes at lightning speed, which requires state authorities and law enforcement agencies to intensify their activities in order to respond appropriately for preventive purposes.




Artur Shamaev

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Email: shomik788@mail.ru
Senior lecturer at the Department of Interior Bodies activities in special conditions Nalchik, Russia


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