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No 4S (2015)



Nasonov E.L.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4S):10-12
pages 10-12 views

Postmenopauzal'nyy osteoporoz kak mediko-sotsial'naya i ekonomicheskaya problema XXI v

Marchenkova L.A.


Postmenopausal osteoporosis (PMO) can be justly considered as significant medical and social problem, which is characterized by high prevalence in the population of women over age of 50 years and severity of complications. Bone fractures on the background of the PMO are associated with decreased quality of life, increased mortality, and economic losses of the healthcare system. Wide and timely appointment of effective pathogenetical therapy with a convenient dosage regimen provides high quality of treatment of the disease and allows to reduce the incidence of fractures associated with osteoporosis. Widespread use of bisphosphonates has played an invaluable role in addressing the problem of treatment of osteoporosis. Ibandronic acid is one of the most widely used bisphosphonate in the world.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4S):13-21
pages 13-21 views

Aktivnye metabolity vitamina D v lechenii osteoporoza i profilaktike perelomov

Skripnikova I.A.


The active vitamin D metabolites for osteoporosis treatment and fracture prevention The review deals with clinical effects of vitamin D active metabolites producing multifaceted impact on different organs and tissues. They have optimal safety profile, and therefore, can be used in many fields for patients of broad age range. Since the most convincing results were shown in increasing bone mineral density by 2-5 times and reducing the risk of fractures and falls by 2 times and 3.5 times, respectively, D-hormone analogs can be used actively in the risk management of fractures associated with primary and secondary osteoporosis.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4S):22-26
pages 22-26 views

Opyt sozdaniya sluzhby vtorichnoy profilaktiki osteoporoticheskikh perelomov kostey v RNIITO im. R.R. Vredena

Ivanov S.N., Kochish A.Y., Sannikova E.V.


The article presents and analyzes the first experience of creating of the system of secondary prevention of recurrent osteoporotic bone fractures in a large specialized traumatological and orthopedic hospital (RSRITO n.a. R.R. Vreden). Developed algorithm of actions of medical personnel and the routing scheme for patient with such pathology within the institution are presented. A computer program accompanying the patient at the diagnostic and treatment phases of the period of stay in hospital and further for one year after the fracture is described. The first results of functioning of the program of the secondary prevention of recurrent bone fractures on the background of systemic osteoporosis, indicating its high applicability and relevance, as well as the existing problems of adherence of patients to antiosteoporotic pharmacotherapy, are demonstrated. The ways of solving the existing problems are discussed
Pharmateca. 2015;(4S):27-33
pages 27-33 views

Rol' defitsita vitamina D v formirovanii osteopenicheskogo sindroma u molodykh zhenshchin s ozhireniem i normal'noy massoy tela

Karonova T.L., Andreeva A.T., Mokhova E.V., Budanova M.V., Grineva E.N.


The results of studies assessing bone mineral density in obese people are rather inconsistent. The present study was aimed to the identification of indicators of mineralization of the skeleton in women with different body mass to clarify the contribution of vitamin D deficiency in the formation of osteopenic syndrome. The study involved 204 women aged 30 to 52 years (mean age 46.20±0.54 years). Reduced bone mineral density (BMD) at the lumbar spine or proximal femur was found in 38 women (18.6%). It has been established that the 25 (OH) D levels (R2=0.25, р=0.011) and parathyroid hormone levels (R2=0.15, р=0.037) provided the greatest effect on the BMD of the lumbar spine (in women under the age of 40 years); the bone mineral density of proximal femur depended on the body mass index (R2=0.21, р=0.016), waist circumference (R2=0.30, р=0.005), amount of adipose tissue (R2=0.28, р=0.006) and serum leptin levels (R2=0.26, р=0.043), regardless of the women age. Thus, the study showed that the amount of body fat, vitamin D deficiency and high leptin levels play an important role in bone remodeling in young women.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4S):34-38
pages 34-38 views

Problema vybora preparatov dlya antimikrobnoy terapii infektsii protezirovannykh sustavov

Bozhkova S.A., Krasnova M.V., Rukina A.N., Shabanova V.V.


The article discusses the problem of the choice of antimicrobial drugs that are optimal for the treatment of orthopedic periprosthetic infection (PPI). Based on the results of a retrospective analysis of the etiological structure of causative agents of PPI (2429 strains) and data of five-year (2010-2014) monitoring of antimicrobial resistance, microbial spectrum of the main etiological factors and ranges of levels of pathogens resistance to commonly used antimicrobial agents are established. It was found that a large proportion of the leading pathogens of PPI has multiple resistance factors: 56.6 and 23.9% of the Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus have resistance to methicillin; 25% of the Enterobacteriaceae strains produce β- extended-spectrum β-lactamases; up to 29% of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains are resistant to carbapenems. Proper analysis of the scientific data and medical literature determines the need for the use of combined antimicrobial therapy in the treatment of PPI and the importance of creating a register of patients with periprosthetic infection to determine the most effective treatment of such severe complications after replacement arthroplasty.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4S):39-45
pages 39-45 views

Osteoporoz u bol'nykh bronkhoobstruktivnoy patologiey

Zhila I.E., Galkina O.V., Bogdanova E.O., Shaporova N.L., Dudina O.V.


The article presents the results of the study, which was aimed to the evaluation of the features of course of osteoporosis in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and bronchial asthma. 79 women suffering from postmenopausal osteoporosis were examined. In patients with COPD, the FEV1, bone mineral density of the forearm (radius), T-criterion of the forearm were significantly lower than in patients with bronchial asthma and in women without lung disease. Fractures were more common in patients with COPD. There were no significant differences in features of course of osteoporosis in patients with bronchial asthma and without lung disease. The findings suggest the more severe course of osteoporosis in patients with COPD.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4S):46-49
pages 46-49 views

Glyukokortikoid-indutsirovannyy osteoporoz: istoricheskie aspekty i sovremennye podkhody k profilaktike i lecheniyu

Golovach I.Y.


The article presents some historical moments of the use of glucocorticoids in clinical practice, as well as new guidelines on the prevention and treatment of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. In 1950, a group of scientists, which included a rheumatologist Philip Hench, won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine «for discoveries concerning hormones of the adrenal cortex, their structure and biological effects». The first clinical use of glucocorticoids has been the starting point and marked the beginning of a new era in the treatment of rheumatic diseases. The recent recommendations of the American College of Rheumatology (2010) on the prevention and treatment of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis are analyzed in detail. The recommendations were developed taking into account the age groups, as well as the presence or absence of osteoporotic fractures. The development of clinical guidelines aimed at improvement of understanding of the problems of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis and improvement of methods of treatment and prevention of this condition.
Pharmateca. 2015;(4S):50-55
pages 50-55 views

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