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Nº 16 (2013)


Effektivnyy i bezopasnyy kontrol' glikemii s pomoshch'yu Diabetona MV: zalog uspeshnoy profilaktiki khronicheskikh oslozhneniy sakharnogo diabeta 2 tipa

Biryukova E., Danilova T.


Prevention of micro- and macrovascular complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus is an important goal of modern medicine. The article discusses the issues of treatment of the disease, the pharmacological characteristics, efficacy, and safety of sulfonylurea medications; the main benefits of gliclazide are described. The results of international studies that have demonstrated that the use of gliclazide contributes not only to the long-term metabolic control, but also to prevention or delay of development of vascular complications, are presented.
Pharmateca. 2013;(16):14-19
pages 14-19 views

Metabolicheskiy sindrom u bol'nykh sakharnym diabetom i ego korrektsiya preparatami tioktovoy kisloty

Kurnikova I.


The article discusses the problem of diseases associated with disturbances of metabolic processes in the body. The well-established at present time major pathogenetic mechanisms of metabolic syndrome, and their significance in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus are presented. Alpha-lipoic acid preparations are considered as a basis of pathogenetic therapy. The results of studies on the effectiveness of the use of Espa-lipon in the treatment of metabolic syndrome in diabetic patients are demonstrated.
Pharmateca. 2013;(16):20-26
pages 20-26 views

Rol' i mesto gipoglikemii v upravlenii sakharnym diabetom 2 tipa

Chernikova N., Antsiferov M.


Recurrent hypoglycemia reduces the sensitivity to their timely recognition and can lead to the development of more severe hypoglycemia and hypoglycemic coma. The greatest risk of hypoglycemia occurs in patients receiving insulin and/or sulfonylurea medications. The article presents data from international clinical trials showing efficacy of vildagliptin as monotherapy and in combination with other antihyperglicemic agents. The main benefits of combination therapy with metformin and a dipeptidyl peptidase - 4 inhibitors are discussed. These drugs have simultaneous action on the key links in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus - insulin resistance and dysfunction of islet cells of the pancreas, which makes the high potential of this type of therapy.
Pharmateca. 2013;(16):27-32
pages 27-32 views

Novyy klass antidiabeticheskikh preparatov - ingibitory natriy-glyukoznykh kotransporterov

Ushkalova E.


The article considers the properties of canagliflozin and dapagliflozin, the first representatives of a new class of antidiabetic drugs: oral sodium - glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitors (SGLT2), recently approved for use in the U.S. and Europe, respectively. SGLT2 inhibitors decrease blood glucose level by insulin-independent reduction of glucose reabsorption in the proximal renal tubuli, ie stimulate its excretion in the urine. Efficiency of canagliflozin and dapagliflozin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus has been demonstrated in controlled clinical trials. It is emphasized that their place in the treatment of diabetes mellitus should be determined by the results of further clinical and pharmacoepidemiological studies.
Pharmateca. 2013;(16):33-36
pages 33-36 views

Bazal'naya insulinoterapiya: opyt klinicheskoy praktiki

Chernikova N., Ametov A., Antsiferov M.


The article presents the review of data on the effectiveness and safety of insulin glargine. The several studies have shown that the administration of insulin glargine allows to achieve and maintain target blood glucose control without body weight gain, has no effect on cardiovascular outcomes, does not cause an increased risk of developing any form of cancer. The authors conclude that the basal insulin can be appointed in combination with oral antidiabetic drugs for the initiation of insulin therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Pharmateca. 2013;(16):37-41
pages 37-41 views

Opyt vedeniya Moskovskogo registra bol'nykh akromegaliey: vozmozhnosti resheniya razlichnykh terapevticheskikh zadach

Antsiferov M., Pronin V., Alekseeva T., Dorofeeva L.


The article presents the results of retrospective analysis of electronic medical records of 65 patients from Moscow registry of patients with acromegaly for 2011-2013, conducted to evaluate the efficacy of monotherapy with lanreotide and combination therapy with lanreotide and cabergoline in patients with acromegaly previously treated with octreotide. At the time of the last visit, a significant decrease in the insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) level in comparison with the data at the time of transfer was revealed; in 12 of the 50 initially decompensated patients, normalization of IGF-1 level was occurred. Decrease in the size of adenomas according to results of magnetic resonance imaging in the period after the transfer was observed in 12 patients, and normalization of biochemical parameters and a decrease in adenoma size were registered in 3 patients. In some patients, transfer from octreotide to lanreotide increased the long-term efficacy of treatment.
Pharmateca. 2013;(16):42-47
pages 42-47 views

Dolgosrochnaya bezopasnost' i effektivnost' insulina aspart u patsientov s sakharnym diabetom 1 tipa

Antsiferov M.


This article presents the results of an open multicenter study aimed to the assessment of long-term safety and efficacy of insulin aspart (lAsp) in basal-bolus regimen with NPH insulin. The study involved 72 patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. More than half of the patients have received lAsp for 1,9-3,8 years, and 19 % - more than 3,8 years. As a result, the rate of hypoglycemic episodes was lower in the extension study (15.9 minor and 0.1 major episodes/year of exposure) than in the original study (22,4 minor and 0,2 major episodes/ year of exposure). In total, 41 (57 %) patients reported 132 adverse events. Mean HbA1c level during the extension phase decreased from 8,11 to 7,87 %; average 24-hour blood glucose (BG) was unaltered (8,1 mmol/L); the average prandial BG increments and mean BG range during the day were lower at the end of the extension study. Thus, long-term treatment with lAsp as prandial insulin in basal-bolus regimen with NPH insulin is well tolerated and provides long-term safety and efficacy.
Pharmateca. 2013;(16):48-51
pages 48-51 views

Osobennosti vedeniya patsientov s arterial'noy gipertenziey i sakharnym diabetom 2 tipa: vzglyad kardiologa

Statsenko M., Derevyanchenko M.


The article describes the features of management of patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). The pathogenic role of insulin resistance (IR) and endothelial dysfunction (ED) in the development of hypertension, as well as possible ways for their correction in patients with AH and DM2 are discussed. The results of own research on the effects of combined antihypertensive drug Ekvator on IR and ED in patients with AH and DM2 are presented. It is shown that the use of the fixed combination of amlodipine and lisinopril for 12 weeks resulted in a significant improvement in endothelial function and carbohydrate metabolism in patients with AH and DM2. Reducing the severity of IR and ED against the background of combination therapy with Ekvator is associated with improvement of status of target organs: heart, kidneys, and blood vessels.
Pharmateca. 2013;(16):52-57
pages 52-57 views

Farmakoterapiya diabeticheskoy nevropatii: chto eshche krome kontrolya glikemii?

Biryukova E., Danilova T.


The article presents the current knowledge about the nature of diabetic neuropathy (DN) and its most common form - the distal neuropathy. Severe manifestations of DN occur in approximately 10 % of patients with diabetes mellitus. Widely use of complex preparations of B vitamins - Milgamma and Milgamma compositum (contains fat-soluble derivative of thiamine - benfotiamine) in the treatment of distal DN is substantiated. Application of Milgamma and Milgamma compositum greatly increases the potentials of pharmacotherapy of distal DN, allows to improve the quality of life and prognosis of patients.
Pharmateca. 2013;(16):58-63
pages 58-63 views

Preimushchestva novoy fiksirovannoy kombinatsii saksagliptina i metformina modifitsirovannogo vysbozhdeniya v terapii sakharnogo diabeta 2 tipa

Ametov A.


The progressive nature of diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) and complex pathogenesis of the disease make it necessary to intensify treatment and widespread use of combination therapy in clinical practice to achieve glycemic targets. The use of fixed combinations in the treatment of DM2 may be associated with benefits of therapy as a convenient mode of administration of the drug, increased treatment compliance, and as a consequence - the improvement of metabolic and clinical outcomes of DM2. The emergence of a new fixed combination of saxagliptin and modified-release metformin, the drug Komboglyze Prolong, offers new treatment options for DM2 patients, providing more comfortable treatment regimen for the doctor and the patient. The advantage of this combination is associated not only with a single dose of the drug per day, but with complementary mechanisms of action of saxagliptin and modified-release metformin, effectiveness for all parameters of glycemic control, safety, including lower risk of hypoglycemia, the absence of adverse effects on body weight, and the absence of the risk of increasing the frequency of cardiovascular diseases.
Pharmateca. 2013;(16):64-71
pages 64-71 views

Upravlenie lipotoksichnost'yu v debyute sakharnogo diabeta 2 tipa

Ametov A., Tertychnaya E.


The rapid expansion of diabetes mellitus and obesity in the world requires urgent measures for the change the lifestyle and intervention of therapy from the early stages of the disease, which allow to avoid the further development of disturbances of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, as well as their complications. According to recent data, the pathogenetic link for these diseases is represented by lipotoxicity that manifests as a complex of negative effects of fatty acids on the organs and tissues involved in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus. This study demonstrates the feasibility of successful management of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus by timely and effective influence on body weight under the control of the parameters of glycemic and lipid profiles and markers of lipotoxicity.
Pharmateca. 2013;(16):72-77
pages 72-77 views

Osobennosti terapii perenesennogo insul'ta u bol'nykh sakharnym diabetom

Shavlovskaya O.


The article raises the question on cardiovascular complications in the structure of mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). Diabetes mellitus increases stroke risk by 25 times, and mortality is 2.8-4.0 times higher in DM2 patients compared with patients without DM2; DM2 determines more severe course of stroke, more pronounced brain swelling, and higher mortality. The importance of vascular lesions in DM2 includes the development of diabetic macroangiopathy, which greatly increases the risk of cerebrovascular disease, aggravates its course and prognosis, increasing mortality and disability. It is emphasized that in diabetic patients more attention should be given not only to focal lesions of the brain, but the development of cognitive impairment due to metabolic or dyscirculatory encephalopathy. The high efficiency of neuroprotective drug Actovegin in the treatment of complications of DM2 and cerebrovascular disease is demonstrated.
Pharmateca. 2013;(16):78-83
pages 78-83 views

Osnovnye printsipy lecheniya nesakharnogo diabeta u detey

Strebkova N.


Diabetes insipidus is a disease caused by a violation of the secretion or action of antidiuretic hormone, manifested by polydipsia and release of large amounts of hyposmolar urine. The article presents the main principles of treatment of central and nephrogenic forms of diabetes insipidus in children, including drug therapy and dietary measures.
Pharmateca. 2013;(16):84-87
pages 84-87 views

Obshchie voprosy diagnostiki i profilaktiki neyroendokrinnykh disfunktsiy u psikhicheskikh bol'nykh

Gorobets L.


The article considers important aspects of diagnosis and prevention of neuroendocrine dysfunctions (NEDs) in schizophrenic patients receiving neuroleptic therapy. Much attention is paid to the analysis of various risk factors for NEDs and the problems of their diagnosis. Practical recommendations for the diagnosis and therapeutic approaches to minimize the manifestations of NED are presented.
Pharmateca. 2013;(16):88-91
pages 88-91 views

Klinicheskiy sluchay psevdogipoparatireoza u muzhchiny 33 let

Poteshkin Y.


Pseudohypoparathyreosis (PHP) and Albright's hereditary osteodystrophy (AHO) are very rare and heterogeneous diseases with a proven genetic component. The reasons for the development of PHP are the genetic defect of G-protein of parathyroid hormone receptor, or a defect in the intracellular signaling system of targeting cells, which lead to resistance to parathyroid hormone. The most characteristic clinical features of the AHO are brachydactyly in conjunction with heterotopic ossification; in addition, the symptoms of AHO include moon face, low height, central obesity, and varying degrees of mental retardation. Due to variety of clinical manifestations, PHP can be undetected for a long time. This clinical case is dedicated to the features of diagnosis and treatment of PHP.
Pharmateca. 2013;(16):92-95
pages 92-95 views

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