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Nº 19 (2017)



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Pharmateca. 2017;(19):4-7
pages 4-7 views

Central neuropathic pain as one of the significant problems of the post-stroke period

Gudkova V., Kimelfeld E., Stakhovskaya L.


The article presents a literature review of the neuropathic pain syndromes that have not been studied but are very painful for the patient in the post-stroke period. The literature data on the frequency, timing of central post-stroke pain, and clinical manifestations, as well as issues of diagnosis and treatment are analyzed. The general data on complex regional pain syndrome, as well as scant information about the development of this syndrome in stroke patients are discussed.
Pharmateca. 2017;(19):8-13
pages 8-13 views

Prevention and treatment of late complications of Parkinson’s disease

Zakharov V.


The late stages of Parkinson’s disease are characterized by a change in the response to dopaminergic therapy with the formation of motor fluctuations and dyskinesias, the development of pronounced autonomic and cognitive insufficiency. The risk of development of motor fluctuations and dyskinesias after the initiation of therapy with levodopa is 10% per year. Therefore, in the late stages of Parkinson’s disease, it is necessary to modify the antiparkinsonian therapy with the crossover to prolonged dosage forms, and specific treatment of existent autonomic and cognitive disorders. Long-term therapy with amantadine is beneficial, because it reduces the likelihood and delays the development of dementia, helps to reduce the severity of motor fluctuations, and has an antidyskinetic effect.
Pharmateca. 2017;(19):14-19
pages 14-19 views

Spontaneous regression of lumbar disc herniations against the background of therapy with gabapentin

Tkachev A., Akarachkova E., Smirnova A., Ilyushin A., Kulyutkin N., Smerya Y.


Herniated intervertebral discs (HID) are the most common pathology among degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which in recent years are increasingly occurred in persons of young, active working age. The article presents observations of three patients who had a rapid regression of lumbar disc herniations against the background of therapy with gabapentin. The main pathophysiological mechanisms allowing to explain the mechanism of resorption (dehydration of the gelatinous nucleus, retraction of the intervertebral disc with a hernia back into the space occupied by it in norm, enzymatic destruction and phagocytosis of the cartilaginous tissue), as well as the role of gabapentin in this process are discussed.
Pharmateca. 2017;(19):20-24
pages 20-24 views

Case of SAPHO-syndrome -diagnosing path and experience of successive use of pamidronate

Novikov P., Makarov E., Zykova A., Moiseyev S.


SAPHO syndrome is an extremely rare disease with an unknown etiology, affecting the musculoskeletal system with the formation of osteitis and hyperostosis, as well as affecting the skin. Its place in the classification of rheumatological diseases, as well as the algorithm of therapy requires clarification. The article presents a clinical observation with a literature review.
Pharmateca. 2017;(19):25-30
pages 25-30 views

Visual disturbances and Alzheimer’s disease

Bogolepova A., Makhnovich E., Zhuravleva A., Donskikh T.


This article presents an analytical overview of possible prospects for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) using optical coherence tomography. The urgency of this problem is determined by the steady increase in the number of patients suffering from dementia, in whom 60-80% of cases of dementia are caused by AD. Data on the structural and functional changes in the visual analyzer in AD are discussed. The problem of preclinical diagnosis of AD using optical coherence tomography (OCT) is considered as an actual problem. OCT is a non-invasive method of intravital examination, allowing to obtain a cross-sectional image of the tissue. The available literature data interpret the parameters of the retinal OCT imaging as a potential biomarker of the early stage of AD.
Pharmateca. 2017;(19):31-36
pages 31-36 views

Modern approaches to treatment of osteoarthritis: the role of injectable slow-acting symptom-modifiing preparations

Chichasova N.


The article discusses the causes of pain in osteoarthritis (OA), the role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of the disease, and the limitation of the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The current international recommendations 2014 and 2016, according to which treatment of OA is recommended to start with slow-acting symptom-modifying drugs (SYSADOA - Symptomatic Slow-Acting Drugs in Osteoarthritis), are presented. Data on analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of chondroitin sulfate (ChS), and its safety are given. It is shown that it is possible to achieve a more rapid effect when using the injectable dosage form of ChS. Data on the mechanism of action, safety and efficacy of hyaluronic acid preparations are discussed.
Pharmateca. 2017;(19):37-43
pages 37-43 views

Antiresorptive-cytocin efficiency of chondroprotective therapy of osteoarthritis and non-specific low back pain (results of ALBATROS study)

Zolotovskaya I., Davydkin I.


The article presents the results of the ALBATROS study, the purpose of which was to evaluate the antiresorptive-cytokine efficacy of chondroprotective therapy for osteoarthritis (OA) and non-specific lower back pain. The study showed that patients with OA and low back pain have elevated levels of cytokines and markers of bone resorption as a reflection of a single pathophysiological mechanism of damage to the musculoskeletal joint tissue. During the entire period of observation, positive dynamics with respect to decrease in resorption marker levels against the background of chondroprotective therapy with Alflutop was noted and statistically confirmed. The obtained results allow to consider chondroprotective therapy in the strategy of treatment of OA patients and low back pain in terms of its antiresorptive-cytokine efficacy.
Pharmateca. 2017;(19):44-52
pages 44-52 views

Clinical and laboratory predictors of effectiveness of background therapy in rheumatoid arthritis

Dotsenko S., Shilova L.


The evaluation of clinical and laboratory predictors of the effectiveness of combination therapy with methotrexate and infliximab in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) was performed. A 30-week study included 18 patients with RA. It has been established that background anti-inflammatory therapy in combination with genetically engineered biologic drugs leads to a significant improvement in clinical and laboratory indicators (a marked decrease in the of acute phase inflammatory marker levels, normalization of the hemogram) and the quality of life of patients with high RA activity.
Pharmateca. 2017;(19):53-56
pages 53-56 views

Trombo ASS® in the secondary prevention of hypertenic small deep (lucunar) cerebral infarctions

Maksimova M., Moskvicheva A.


The present study was conducted to assess the antiaggregatory effect of Trombo ASS® in patients with hypertensive small deep (lacunar) cerebral infarctions. 52 patients were under observation. The patients’ age varied from 40 to 60 years and the mean age for the group was 56+3 years. The main inclusion criterion for patients in the study was an increase in the aggregation activity of platelets against the background of antihypertensive therapy, which was compared with that of 30 healthy age-matched controls. Patients received Trombo ASS® at a dose of 100 mg once a day in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast. In patients receiving therapy with Trombo ASS®, a statistically significant inhibition of platelet aggregation activity was found in comparison with the baseline level. Dynamic control of the platelet function during treatment showed a marked stability of antiaggregation effect of the used dose of the drug during the entire observation period. The obtained results allow to draw a conclusion about the pronounced antiaggregation effect of Trombo ASS® in patients with hypertensive small deep (lacunar) cerebral infarctions.
Pharmateca. 2017;(19):57-61
pages 57-61 views

Neurophysiological parameters of segmental and suprasegmental conduction in patients with various timing of spinal cord injury

Kovrazhkina E.


The aim of the study was to compare the neurophysiological parameters of segmental (according to electroneuromyography, ENMG) and suprasegmental (according to transcranial magnetic stimulation, TCMS) motor conduction in patients with different timing of spinal cord injuries. Two groups of patients with spinal cord injuries were examined: group 1 - with the duration of the disease less than 1 year (n=50), group 2 - patients with the disease duration 1-2 years (n=48). The stimulation ENMG method was used to evaluate the parameters of conduction to the posterior tibial nerves; the TCMS method was used to the evaluation of the parameters of corticospinal conduction to the muscles of the lower extremities. Patients with positive dynamics in neurological and functional statuses showed a decrease in velocity parameters according to ENMG data, especially in terms of F-wave parameters, and in a relatively short duration of the disease (up to 1 year), and also had the best parameters of corticospinal conduction according to TKMS at baseline. Dynamic observation in patients with positive dynamics reveals signs of resorption of axons inhibiting the regeneration at the site of damage to myelin residues - an increase in the latencies of cortical evoked motor responses and the central motor conduction time. It was concluded that the data of neurophysiological examination of patients with spinal cord injuries, especially with short duration of the disease (up to 1 year), allows to predict the results of rehabilitation measures to a certain extent.
Pharmateca. 2017;(19):62-65
pages 62-65 views

Clinical-electroencephalographic features in patients with epilepsy developed against the background of cerebral ischemia

Danilova T., Latypova Z., Khasanova D.


The article presents the results of a complex examination of 772 patients with acute and chronic cerebral ischemia (265 patients with stroke and epileptic seizures, 174 patients with epileptic seizures against the background of chronic cerebral ischemia, 203 patients with stroke, and 130 patients with chronic cerebral ischemia without epileptic seizures). All patients underwent clinical neurological examination, electroencephalography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonic duplex scanning of extra- and intracranial arteries with an assessment of the level and degree of stenosis and cerebrovascular reactivity. In patients with cerebral ischemia, focal seizures with the predominance of simple partial seizures in patients with ischemic stroke and complex partial attacks in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia prevailed; late post-stroke seizures - in persons younger than 50 years, attacks in the onset of stroke - in patients older than 80 years. The association of early post-stroke seizures with ischemic posterior circulation stroke and left anterior circulation stroke was determined. The prevalence of left-sided localization of the focus of pathological activity in patients with acute and chronic cerebral ischemia with the development of epileptic seizures was revealed.
Pharmateca. 2017;(19):66-71
pages 66-71 views

Predictors of efficiency of neurorehabilitation in patients with motor disorders using the brain-computer neurointerface

Kondur A.


In recent years, the possibilities of rehabilitation of stroke patients have increased due to the use of the “brain-computer neurointerface+hand exoskeleton (BCIHE) technology, which is based on the stimulation of the mechanism of neuroplasticity. The processes of activation of the motor structures arising in the nervous system with the regular kinesthetic imagination of the purposeful movement (hand extension), reinforced by the reverse visual and proprioceptive connections, contribute to the restoration and/ or compensation of the lost motor function. In the study, 89 patients were screened to select patients for rehabilitation, and 75 stroke patients met the inclusion criteria. Active participation of the patient during training with the help of a neurointerface is considered an important aspect of this type of neurorehabilitation. Directive teaching of the patient to the kinesthetic imagination during the training using BCIHE technology promotes the stimulation of the preserved brain regions that are able to control the movement. It is emphasized that the level of cognitive function can serve as a criterion for estimating the reserve of individual ability to imagine the movement. This proposition suggests that stimulation of cognitive functions in stroke patients can contribute to a more successful motor rehabilitation process.
Pharmateca. 2017;(19):72-77
pages 72-77 views

Experience of the use of zoledronic acid (Rezoklastin 5 mg/6.25 ml, OOO «NATIVA») in patients with low bone mineral density in the settings of the center for prevention of osteoporosis of Novosibirsk SRITO

Kulyaev E., Grafov A., Falameeva O., Kholodkin V., Sadovoy M., Tsygankova O.


The purpose of this work was to evaluate bone mineral density (BMD) at 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 years of the use of zoledronic acid (Rezoklastin 5 mg/6.25 mL) in patients with osteopenia and osteoporosis. We examined 60 postmenopausal women aged 48-76 with low BMD (T-criterion from -2.6 to -4.5 SD). The following basic methods of research were used: clinical; sociological; X-ray; densitometric (osteodensitometer HOLOGIC, QDR, Discovery-A, USA); and statistical methods. The main results of the work were good tolerability of the drug; absence of fractures during observation period; an increase in BMD in all patient groups and across all regions.
Pharmateca. 2017;(19):78-81
pages 78-81 views

Russian market of neuroprotectors (publication and research activity, rating, market volume, sales)

Silina E., Zimin I.


The article presents the results of the analysis of the Russian market of neuroprotectors based on the information demand index of the system of the drug register (Vyshkovsky index), the publication and research activity of brands according to foreign and Russian electronic databases, the sales volume and the share of the pharmaceutical market according to DSM Group, IMS Healh. This analysis allows to determine the regularities of development of the Russian market of neuroprotectors, both from a medical and an economic point of view. The rating of the Russian market of neuroprotectors is determined, including 207 trade names, among which Russian prescription synthetic medicines, oral forms, and generics predominate. The latter provide a significant increase in the share of the Russian pharmaceutical business of neuroprotectors. A detailed complex analysis of the top 10 most popular and marketed neuroprotectors on the Russian market used to treat cerebrovascular diseases is given. It is shown that sales reliably directly correlate with the information demand index, and the length prescription of the medicines. It is established that the number of clinical studies and publications is directly proportional to the growth of financial success. The first lines of the rating are held by brands that exist on the market for more than 20 years and have a rich publication base.
Pharmateca. 2017;(19):82-91
pages 82-91 views

Prevention of post-stroke depression

Savina M., Petrova E., Safarova T.


Post-stroke depressions (PSDs) are one of the main problems of rehabilitation of stroke patients. They have a high frequency and slow down the regression of lost motor and cognitive functions. This dictates need for not only early detection and treatment of PSDs, but also the prevention of these disorders. The article summarizes the publications on PSD prevention from the PubMed database (n=32). These data prove the effectiveness of psychosocial, rehabilitative, psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic interventions in reducing the frequency of PSDs. The justifiability of an integrated approach to preventive measures is emphasized.
Pharmateca. 2017;(19):92-95
pages 92-95 views

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