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Volume 26, Nº 8 (2019)



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Pharmateca. 2019;26(8):6-7
pages 6-7 views

Psoriasis and psychiatric comorbidity

Kruglova L., Pushkina A., Khotko A.


This article is for review only. Psoriasis is a chronic disease that affects the quality of life of patients. This disease is associated with an increased risk of in outpatient settings. It is critically important to understand the impact of this disease on mental health and to identify risk factors that can help identify patients who are predisposed to mental illness. By identifying psoriatic patients at high risk of psychiatric pathology, dermatologists can work for optimal interdisciplinary treatment of the disease and, thus, help to alleviate the associated psychiatric symptoms.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(8):8-13
pages 8-13 views

Eosinophilic cellulitis as a manifestation of hypereosinophilic syndrome

Plieva L., Fomina E.


Hyperaosinophilic syndrome (HES) most often affects people aged 20 to 50 years and is characterized by peripheral blood eosinophilia with involvement or organ dysfunction directly caused by eosinophilia in the absence of parasitic, allergic or other causes of eosinophilia. HES is defined as peripheral blood eosinophilia >1500/ц1, lasting >6 months. The clinical picture of HES is manifested by nonspecific symptoms (malaise, anorexia, weight loss, periodic abdominal pain, night sweats, cough, myalgia, fever). Skin lesions in HES are observed in more than 50% of patients. The “standard set" of skin manifestations of HES (itchy papules and nodules, blisters, angioede-ma) is not specific, and does not promote to the early diagnosis of this disease. And only eosinophilic cellulitis (EC), associated with the debut of the HES, has its own “clinical face". EC can be the starting point of the pathogenetic process leading to a full-scale clinical and morphological picture of multisystem eosinophil-associated states - Schulman syndrome, Churg-Strauss syndrome and HES. In the treatment of EC, glucocorticosteroids, sulfones (dapsone), cyclosporine, griseofulvin, azathioprine, and Hi antihistamines are used.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(8):14-17
pages 14-17 views

Diffuse alopecia: triggers and treatment

Shatokhina E., Kruglova L., Polonskaya A.


Diffuse alopecia is considered the most common cause of hair loss. It can be a symptom of a wide variety of pathologies or be the result of exposure to various endogenous and exogenous factors of a chemical and physical nature, which greatly complicates the diagnosis and requires an interdisciplinary approach. The variety of causes of diffuse alopecia explains a wide range of treatment methods, the most relevant of which is the subject of this brief review.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(8):18-21
pages 18-21 views

Cow’s milk protein allergy in children with epidermolysis bullosa

Makarova S., Murashkin N., Akhmad V., Epishev R., Snovskaya M., Chumbadze T., Ereshko O., Yasakov D., Opryatin L., Savelova A., Ivanov R., Fedorov D.


Background. Impaired skin and epithelial barrier function from the first days of life in children with epidermolysis bullosa can cause sensitization, including food sensitization. Objective. Evaluation of the features of the IgE response to cow’s milk proteins and the clinical manifestations of cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA) in children with epidermolysis bullosa. Methods. 82 children with epidermolysis bullosa (60 children with dystrophic form and 22 with a simple form of the disease) were examined. Diagnosis of CMPA was based on a generally accepted set of clinical and laboratory methods (medical history, nature of clinical manifestations, diagnostic milk-free diet, open provocative test). The level of cow’s milk specific IgE and its fractions (casein, в-lactoglobulin, bovine serum albumin) was determined using the indirect immunofluorescence (ImmunoCAP250). Results. Sensitization to cow’s milk proteins, casein, and bovine serum albumin was detected statistically significantly more often in children with dystrophic form of epidermolysis bullosa compared to simple form (p<0.05). In the group of children with dystrophic form of epidermolysis bullosa, CMPA was diagnosed in 11 cases, which amounted to 17.7%, and clinically significant CMPA was diagnosed in 25% of cases. Among children with a simple form of epidermolysis bullosa, clinical reactions to food were detected in 2 (9.1%) patients. Conclusion Children with a dystrophic form of epidermolysis bullosa are characterized by a higher frequency of sensitization to milk proteins and clinically significant CMPA.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(8):22-27
pages 22-27 views

The experience of using orthonix braces in the treatment of nail mycosis

Rubasheva T., Sirmays N., Kovalyk V.


Background. The removal of the affected part of the nail plate as a part of the standard treatment for onychomycosis, often leads to an ingrown nail. Surgical methods of treating this complication are far from being as effective as the orthonix braces existing in German podological practice. These braces installed on the nail plates after the necessary removal of the part of the nail affected by mycosis serve as prophylaxis of paronychia and possible persistent onycholysis. In this study, we used the VHO and Fraser brace technique. Objective. Evaluation of the efficacy of new methods of treating ingrown toenail as complication in dermatological practice for the treatment of nail mycosis, and recommendation of the installation of orthonix braces as the best preventive measure. Methods. 36 patients with onychomycosis of the feet were followed up. The duration of the disease ranged from a year to 15 years. All patients underwent complex treatment with systemic, topical antimycotics and surgical scrubbing. The parts of the nail on the great toe of the foot affected by the fungal process, which occupied from 1/3 to 3/4 of the nail, were removed using surgical scrubbing. Braces were used for the prevention of onychocryptosis. Results. During the treatment, there were no cases of ingrown toenails among patients with pre-installed braces, no discomfort in the lateral ridges was also observed throughout the entire treatment period. Conclusion. The introduction of the method of orthonyxia in medical practice with the combined treatment of onychomycosis in individuals with a predisposition to onychocryptosis can significantly prevent side effects from intervention on toenails. Removal of sections of the nail plates affected by mycosis is necessary in the treatment of onychomycosis, however, it often leads to various complications -deformation of the nail bed, deformation of the nails, shortening of the nail bed and ingrown nail. Methods of orthonyxia successfully prevent or, in some cases, mitigate these effects. Thus, the use of orthonix devices in mycological practice will prevent the ingrown nail and some types of nail dystrophies.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(8):28-32
pages 28-32 views

Scleroatrophic lichen in women: improvement of methods for an objective assessment of clinical manifestations and therapy

Ignatovsky A.


Background. The prevalence of scleroatrophic lichen and the lack of unified approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of this disease require the development of new approaches to both diagnosis and improvement of treatment methods for this nosology. Objective. Offering the methods for an objective assessment of the effectiveness of the treatment of vulvar lichen sclerosus (VLS) and evaluation of the stage-by-stage treatment of disease using these methods. The LS-S index was proposed for assessing the area of skin lesion, and LS-A index - for evaluating the activity of the skin process in VLS. The LS-S index was based on the assessment of the lesion area by subdivision of the vulva into zones, while the LS-A index includes the main clinical manifestations of VLS and their severity. The practical application of the indices against the background of a three-stage treatment of VLS was evaluated. Methods. The observation group consisted of 41 patients with vulvar lichen sclerosus aged 19 to 59 years. Using the LS-S index, the patients were classified as follows: 27 women had a lesion estimated at 9 points (there were no perianal lesions in this group); 11 patients had a lesion area of 5 points, and 3 patients - 7points An assessment was performed using the developed indices of vulvar lichen sclerosus, allowing to evaluate the activity of the skin process and its area. Evaluation was carried out before treatment, on the 14th, 30th, 90th and 120th days. The stages of treatment consisted in the sequential use of topical glucocorticosteroids, injections of autologous plasma, and fractional CO2 laser. Results. The use of indices for assessing the area and activity of the skin process after the stage-by-stage treatment showed the convenience and simplicity of their use and made it possible to objectify the data obtained as a result of treatment: after the three-stage treatment, 27 women had a lesion estimated at 5 points (there were no perianal lesions in this group); 11 patients had a lesion area of 2 points, and 3 patients had a lesion area of 4 points, which corresponded to a distinct positive dynamics, having a numerical expression. Administred therapy was not accompanied by significant adverse events. Conclusion. The use of the index of activity of the skin process and the index for assessing the area of skin lesion of the vulva region in VLS is a convenient and practical tool for an objective assessment of the dynamics of skin changes during therapy, which includes a three-stage approach with sequential use of topical corticosteroids, injections of autologous plasma, and fractional CO2 laser.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(8):33-38
pages 33-38 views

Comorbidity in localized scleroderma: original clinical study

Kashevarov D.


Background. Currently, the management of patients with localized scleroderma is significantly complicated by intercurrent pathology. It is well known that the disease occurs against the background of endocrine changes, spastic disorders, chronic foci of infection. Various options for combining localized scleroderma with concomitant diseases of the vessels, bronchopulmonary system, and gastrointestinal tract are described. Currently, the course of the disease is being studied in oncological pathology. Objective: evaluation of comorbidity in patients with localized scleroderma. Methods. The authors conducted an original clinical study. 22 patients with localized scleroderma aged 18 to 73 years were followed up. Results. The predominance of endocrine and cardiac pathology was shown. The mean Charlson Comorbidity Index was 4.2±0.2. Conclusion. Results obtained indicate the need for further study of the problem of comorbidity in various forms of scleroderma, as well as improving therapeutic tactics.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(8):39-41
pages 39-41 views

The combined use of fractional laser and blepharoplasty in the correction of involutive changes in the periorbital region

Khaliullin R., Surkichin S.


Background. Of particular interest is the eye lift. For this purpose, various instrumental and surgical methods are used. For many years laser therapy methods remain the “gold" standard for the correction of age-related changes. Many questions of combined methods, however, are still open, therefore, the search and development of the most effective protocols for their use are considered an urgent task of modern medicine. Objective. Based on the evaluation of the results of clinical efficacy, development of a combined method for the correction of involutive skin changes in the periorbital region in young and middle-aged patients using fractional Nd:YAG and CO2 laser in combination with transconjunctival lower blepharoplasty. Methods. The study involved 108 patients with involutive changes in the skin of the lower eyelid. Depending on the method of treatment, patients were divided into groups. The study used a clinical diagnostic complex using special clinical methods: a photoaging scale for eyelid skin, an aesthetic global rating scale (GRS), and an adapted rating scale for satisfaction with treatment results (FACE-Q Eye Module). Results. According to the GRS scale, the “loss of elasticity" indicator in the 3rd group decreased by 78.9% (compared with 69.2 and 52.3% for the 1st and 2nd groups), the “tuberosity" indicator - by 54.8% (47.6 and 36.8% for the 1st and 2nd groups), the «dehydration» indicator - by 79.02% (67.2 and 40.5% for the 1st and 2nd group), which contributed to the reduction of wrinkles by 90.1/93.4% vs 57.4/63.8% and 89.3/91.6 in the 1st and 2nd groups, respectively. The patient satisfaction index analyzed using the adapted FACE-Q Eye Module scale increased by 63.1%, while in the comparison groups it increased by 41.7and 53.5%, respectively, which indicates the high clinical efficacy of the developed combination treatment method. Conclusion. Based on the study, it can be concluded that the developed combined treatment method is highly effective.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(8):42-46
pages 42-46 views

The efficacy of photodynamic therapy in the correction of involutive skin changes

Bochkova N., Manturova N.


Background. In the search for new opportunities for skin rejuvenation, topical photodynamic therapy (PDT) with various light sources has all the theoretical prerequisites for use according to these indications. Methods. Depending on the PDT methodology and age, the patients were divided into groups. Group 1 (n=35) received PDT using a topical photosensitizer chlorin E6. 2 subgroups were distinguished in this group: 1A (n=17) - patients with age range of40-49 years, and 1B (n=18) -patients with age range of 50-60 years. The group 2 (n=35) received PDT with a topical photosensitizer chlorin E6 used in the electroporation method. Two subgroups were allocated in the group 2:2A (n=16) - patients with age range of40-49 years, and 2B (n=19) - patients with age range of 50-60 years. The efficacy of PDT with various methodological approaches was evaluated using cutometry. Results. In subgroup 1A, the Ua/Uf indicator increased by 20.6%, in subgroup 1B - by 18.1%. The most pronounced dynamics was noted in the group where PDT was performed with the photosensitizer electroporation. The cumulative cutometry index increased by 28.7% in the subgroup 2A, and by 26.1% in the subgroup 2B. After the course of therapy, the corneometry index increased by 29.3% in the subgroup 1A, and by 29.1% in the subgroup 1B. In the subgroup2A, the corneometry index increased by 35.3%, in the 2B subgroup - by 36.1%. In accordance with the gradation of this indicator, the corneometry index significantly increased and corresponded to the normal level (more than 59.9 relative units) after PDT in most patients of the subgroups 2A and 2B. Conclusion. PDT with chlorin electroporation promotes restoration of skin elasticity, as confirmed by the dynamics of the cumulative elasto-metry index (Ua/Uf), and increased skin moisture, as evidenced by the dynamics of the corneometry index.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(8):47-52
pages 47-52 views

Laser technologies for post-acne scar correction

Igoshina A., Bondarenko V., Gryazeva N.


Background. Prevention and treatment of post-acne scars is still an urgent task. The “gold" standard in scar correction is the ablative method using a CO2 laser. Dermabrasion with an erbium laser is less traumatic ablative method due to its high affinity to water molecules. However, in order to achieve an effect comparable to a CO2 laser, several procedures are required. Objective. Comparison of the effectiveness of a CO2 laser and an erbium laser in the treatment of post-acne scars. Methods. The study involved 84 patients with atrophic and hypertrophic post-acne scars. Patients were divided into groups depending on the type of cicatricial deformities (atrophic/hypertrophic) and the correction method (CO2/ erbium laser). Results. Based on the analysis of the values of the Manchester Scar Scale, a significant improvement of most parameters was revealed when applying laser technologies for the correction of both atrophic and hypertrophic post-acne scars. However, a significantly more pronounced dynamics in such parameters as color, texture, relief, density was obtained when using an erbium laser. Changes in the tissue displacement parameter were not observed, because the initial values of this parameter were within the normal limits. Conclusion. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the use of an erbium laser in the treatment of post-acne is more effective than a CO2 laser.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(8):53-58
pages 53-58 views

Acne - a modern view on the problem

Kochetkov M., Gryazeva N., Kolody A.


The article provides an overview of current trends in etiology, pathogenesis, approaches to the treatment of acne. Acne is considered a chronic non-infectious disease, with inflammation as an underlying pathogenesis. Acne affects up to 85% of the population. Currently, approaches to the management of patients with this disease are changed. So, one of the main Global Acne Alliance recommendations includes avoiding the use of topical and systemic antibiotics as monotherapy. Retinoids are still the drug of choice in the treatment of acne.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(8):59-66
pages 59-66 views

Pravila dlya avtorov

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Pharmateca. 2019;26(8):67-67
pages 67-67 views

How to stop molluscum contagiosum by external remedies?

Sirmays N., Vladimirova E., Markova Y., Sanches E.


Molluscum contagiosum (MC) is a common viral skin infection that occurs in both adults and children, and is characterized by specific papular rashes. MC is prone to self-limitation and resolution, but there are a number of reasons that require its treatment: itching and eczematization around MC; numerous, long-existing and recurrent raches; rashes located on visible areas of the skin and forming a cosmetic defect that limits social activity. Most of the available treatment methods for MC, such as curettage, electrical and cryodestruc-tion, laser therapy, are traumatizing and cannot be used out of healthcare facility. In this regard, a 5% potassium hydroxide solution was successfully used for the treatment of MC, and it has demonstrated safety, efficacy and painlessness. Given its financial availability, it can be considered as the drug of choice for the treatment of MC at home, especially for children.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(8):68-71
pages 68-71 views

Era of corticosteroids in dermatology: efficiency and safety of klobetasol propionate 0.05% in various dermatosis

Kruglova L., Petriy M., Gensler E.


The article highlights the issues of efficiency and safety of superpotent topical glucocorticosteroid (GCS) - clobetasol propionate. In terms of strength and effectiveness in steroid-sensitive dermatoses, it is superior to the majority of topical corticosteroids. The drug has several dosage forms that are convenient for use in various localizations. It is a drug of choice in the treatment of moderate and severe psoriasis, and is effective in the treatment of a wide range of dermatoses that are difficult to treat with less active corticosteroids. Clobetasol propionate is safe with the rational use. The development of serious complications is possible with prolonged use at very high doses.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(8):72-77
pages 72-77 views

Melanocytic nevus as a melanoma precursor: clinical cases and literature review

Sergeev Y., Mordovtseva V., Sergeev V., Tamrazova O., Nikitaev V., Pronichev A.


Most cases of malignant melanoma develop de novo; in a third of cases, however, a tumor may arise on the background of a pre-existing melanocytic nevus. Nevus associated melanomas have some epidemiological features: they develop at a younger age, are more often are located on the trunk and have a lower Breslow thickness. The available literature data and own authors’experience indicate the absence of the need for “prophylactic" removal of melanocytic nevi as possible precursors of a malignant tumor. One of the methods for the early diagnosis of melanoma can be the introduction of digital dermatoscopy using automated processing of dermatoscopic images with artificial intelligence. The article describes the clinical cases of nevus-associated melanomas; litreture review and discussion of this problem are presented.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(8):78-82
pages 78-82 views

An algorithm for topical therapy of atopic dermatitis in children of the first year of life

Murashkin N., Savelova A., Ivanov R., Fedorov D., Opryatin L., Akhmad V.


Background. Atopic dermatitis (AtD) is a multifactorial, most common inflammatory dermatosis. The structural features of the skin of children of the first year of life determine a number of clinical characteristics caused by dysfunction of the epidermal barrier with increased transepidermal water loss and pronounced hydrophobicity of the skin surface of children in this age period, which largely limits epidermal fluid absorption. Depending on the severity of the skin pathological process, a step-by-step algorithm for the topical therapy of AtD in children of the first year of life is proposed, including the differentiated use of topical glucocorticosteroids, wet wraps and topical calcineurin inhibitors - pimecrolimus in combination with emollients. Conclusion. According to modern recommendations for skin care for children of the first year of life, it is important to ensure regular hydration and skin cleansing. The most effective way to restore the protective function of the skin barrier is the use of agents aimed to restoring the stratum corneum and preventing excessive transepidermal water loss.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(8):83-87
pages 83-87 views

Delayed immune-inflammatory response after hyaluronic acid filler application: a clinical case

Ikonnikova E., Kruglova L.


Background. Hyaluronic acid-based filler injections are one of the most popular ways to aesthetically correct age-related skin changes. Despite the high safety profile, various complications can occur in some cases. Description of the clinical case. The article presents a clinical case of a 45-year-old patient who admitted to the Department of Dermatology and Cosmetology of the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology with complaints of recurrent edema of the middle third of the face and pain in the area of the nasolacrimal groove and cheeks, severe pigmentation in the periorbital region after the hyaluronic acid filler injection. The occurrence and treatment of a rare delayed immune-inflammatory response after the hyaluronic acid filler application is described in detail. Conclusion. This clinical case is of potential interest to cosmetologists, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, physiotherapists as an example of the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of such pathological conditions.
Pharmateca. 2019;26(8):88-91
pages 88-91 views

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