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Currently, hormone therapy of epileptic syndromes with prolonged spike-wave activity during sleep is a promising developing area in epileptology. Some clinical studies and global meta-analyzes inevitably confirm efficacy of hormones when success can not be achieved using anti-epileptic drugs. However, unified approaches to the choice of the drug and schemes of its administration are not been developed until now. This article discusses the possible mechanisms of action of steroids. Indications for hormonal treatment, data on efficacy and tolerability are presented. Based on own author’s experience, protocol of differentiated tactics of hormonal treatment of epileptic syndromes with prolonged spike-wave activity during sleep is suggested. The chosen strategy allows to achieve a positive effect in reducing the number of seizures and prevent the development of severe neurocognitive deficits in 70-80% of patients.




O. Shidlovskaya

FSBEI HE RNSMU n.a. N.I. Pirogov of RMH

Email: shidlovsckaya.oa@yandex.ru
Neurologist, Department of Psychoneurology and Epileptology SRCI of Pediatrics n.a. Yu.E. Veltischev Moscow

E. Belousova

FSBEI HE RNSMU n.a. N.I. Pirogov of RMH

Department of Psychoneurology and Epileptology SRCI of Pediatrics n.a. Yu.E. Veltischev Moscow


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