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编号 1 (2009)


Hormonal contraception in adolescents and young women

Radzinskiy V., Khamoshina M., Abdullaeva R., Radzinskaya E., Radzinsky V., Chamoshina M., Abdullaeva R., Radzinskaya E.


We consider peculiarities of sexual life of adolescents and young women associated with high risk of occurrence of unintended pregnancy, which in 80% of cases leads to abortion. We discuss the general principles of hormonal contraception and individual choice of contraceptives in a cohort of adolescents. Data for the medical aspects of hormonal contraception in solving problems, arising in the period of the reproductive system formation, such as dysmenorrhea, puberty uterine bleeding, acne, and others are presented. We consider the modern approaches to emergency contraception.
Pharmateca. 2009;(1):10-16
pages 10-16 views

Cardio-vascular diseases in post-menopause (problems and ways of their solution)

Kirichenko A., Kirichenko A.


The problem of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in postmenopausal women is discussed. We consider the pathogenesis of CVD secondary to the decrease of content of sex hormones in this period, as well as the prevention and correction of these disturbances. We emphasize the role of hormone replacement therapy and particularities of its effective application, the significance of use of psychotropics, antidepressants especially, and antihypertensive drugs (ACE inhibitors, beta-adrenergic blockers, thiazide diuretics). Physicians must take into account the existing functional and organic changes that occur in a woman's body in perimenopausal period as well as the full range of therapeutic effects of drugs in choice of therapeutic and preventive measures
Pharmateca. 2009;(1):17-21
pages 17-21 views

Calendar of prophylactic vaccination for 2009

Tatochenko V., Tatochenko V.


The new National Immunization Calendar of the Russian Federation, in force since 2008, and comment on the innovations contained in it are presented. There were 9 vaccinations in the Calendar earlier, and from 2008 mass vaccination against influenza in all children and students - from nursery school to university - was added, age range of vaccination against hepatitis B, rubella, and measles was expanded, and the scheme of vaccination against hepatitis B was changed. This article also discusses new opportunities for immunization, which are not reflected in the Calendar.
Pharmateca. 2009;(1):22-26
pages 22-26 views

Problem of HIV/AIDS in obstetrics and gynecology

Gorodnicheva Z., Savel'eva I., Gorodnicheva J., Savelyeva I.


Creation of the concept of specialized medical care becomes more urgent due to the high incidence of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) in the world, including Russia, and increase of number of people infected with HIV through heterosexual sex intercourses, including women of any reproductive age, including adolescents. The issues related to reproductive health and fertility regulation in HIV-infected wedded pairs and options for assistance in various clinical situations are discussed.
Pharmateca. 2009;(1):27-31
pages 27-31 views

Rational therapy and modern principles of diagnostics of iron-deficient states in obstetric and gynecological practice

Tikhomirov A., Sarsaniya S., Tichomirov A., Sarsania S.


The article details the current state of problem of anemia and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in obstetrics and gynecology. It has been established that the IDA is the third most common cause of temporary disability among women aged 15-44 years. The data for the epidemiology of IDA, the mechanisms of iron metabolism, etiology of IDA, clinical presentations of the disease, the principles of its diagnosis, prevention and treatment are presented. It is noted that the Ferretab drug, widely used by the authors for the treatment and prevention of IDA in gynecologic patients, conform to modern requirements for iron preparations. The authors consider Ferretab characteristics and application rules.
Pharmateca. 2009;(1):32-39
pages 32-39 views

Chronic venous diseases: how can help family practice physician, the most privileged patient interlocutor?

Alekperova T., Alekperova T.


Varicose veins and telangiectasia are the most common manifestations of chronic venous disorders of lower limbs (HVD). The presence of trophic disturbances on the low limb skin is associated with decompensation of chronic venous disease and characterizes the development of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). High incidence of this pathology; illness; severe complications - all of these require careful and competent treatment of varicose veins in the lower limbs by any medical practitioner. The possibilities of general practitioner in terms of diagnosis and treatment HVD and CVI are discussed. The present classification CEAR identified optimal levels of diagnosis for each class of diseases - from zero to six (the last). It is emphasized that existing therapeutic and diagnostic phlebological methods aimed to improvement of patients quality of life, and treatment programs depends not only on the characteristics of the venous system lesions and the clinical class of disease, but also on the expectations of each patient.
Pharmateca. 2009;(1):40-46
pages 40-46 views

Safety of OTC-drugs in pregnancy

Ushkalova E., Babaeva V., Illarionova T., Ushkalova E., Babaeva V., Illarionova T.


The use of OTC drugs during pregnancy can lead to serious health consequences for mother and fetus/newborn. We analyze the safety of medicines most frequently used during pregnancy. Doctors must take measures to educational work with pregnant women and control of all drugs use, including herbal drugs and dietary supplements for a period of gestation.
Pharmateca. 2009;(1):48-52
pages 48-52 views

Cervix preparation to the programmed labor in women with high perinatal risk

Radzinskiy V., Ordiyants I., Fatkullin I., Khamoshina M., Radzinsky V., Ordiyants I., Fatkullin I., Chamoshina M.


Programmed delivery in women with high perinatal risk is reliable way to reduce the risk of perinatal complications. However, the unwillingness of the cervix is a major predictor of future anomalies of uterine activity. It can be overcome in various ways, but in comparison with known methods (the introduction of laminaria sticks, the use of prostaglandin gel) Mifepristone administration is the most effective. Lack of effect of Mifepristone administration should be considered as an additional risk factor for adverse pregnancy and delivery outcomes. In this connection it is necessary to promptly resolve the issue of abdominal delivery.
Pharmateca. 2009;(1):53-55
pages 53-55 views

Assessment of sexual function in patients, underwent operative intervention on perineum

Antsiferova E., Sinyakova L., Seregin A., Davydov I., Anciferova E., Sinyakova L., Seregin A., Davyidov I.


Organic pathology may be the basis for sexual dysfunction in women with urogynecological diseases. One way for urogynecological pathology correction is surgical intervention on the perineum. We estimated the quality of sexual life of patients after surgical treatment. According to the study results, we identified the positive dynamics of female sexual function in the long-term postsurgical period in the majority of women. Thus, surgical treatment of urogynecological pathology is justified in respect of restoration of components of normal sexual function.
Pharmateca. 2009;(1):56-58
pages 56-58 views

Epidemiology and genetics of cystic fibrosis in Udmurt Republic

Simanova T., Ozhegov A., Simanova T., Ozhegov A.


The results of the examination of 62 patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) aged from one month to 29 years living in the Udmurt Republic (UR) are presented. We analyzed the prevalence, population frequency, epidemiological and genetic characteristics of the disease. The frequency of dominant mutations in the UR delF508 mutation is 37.1%, unidentified mutations are more common in patients of Finno-Ugric ethnic group. Some aspects of modern therapy of disease are discussed.
Pharmateca. 2009;(1):59-63
pages 59-63 views