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编号 1s (2013)



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Pharmateca. 2013;(1s):5-7
pages 5-7 views

Anafilaksiya: klyuchevye aspekty diagnostiki, lecheniya i profilaktiki v sovremennykh klinicheskikh rukovodstvakh

Astaf'eva N., Gamova I., Goryachkina L., Kobzev D., Udovichenko E., Perfilova I.


Due to growing number of unpredictable, life-threatening, fast-developing cases of anaphylaxis in all age groups, doctors of all specialties focus on the key issues of assessment of individual risk factors, recognition of clinical symptoms and the choice of strategies for interventions aimed to improvement of management and prognosis of potentially fatal anaphylactic reactions. The importance of the issues is highlighted in numerous publications on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of anaphylaxis, including illustrated clinical guidance on anaphylaxis 2011. This document of World Allergy Organization included recommendations of more than 100 leading experts from all over the world and based on the best evidence-based research data, was supplemented with new information in 2012. The article presents the fundamental principles of the guidelines, which doctor of any specialty needs to know. These include clinical criteria for the diagnosis of anaphylaxis, the need for use of epinephrine as a first-line drug in anaphylaxis, advanced laboratory diagnostic methods for asymptomatic sensitization, new strategies of immunomodulation for the prevention of nutritional and insect anaphylaxis, and debating issues of the use of corticosteroids and antihistamines
Pharmateca. 2013;(1s):8-16
pages 8-16 views

Allergicheskiy kon\"yunktivit

Goryachkina L., Terekhova E.


Article is devoted to the topical issue of clinical allergology - diagnosis and treatment of allergic conjunctivitis (AC). The article presents the data on the prevalence of AC, and discusses the classification, clinical manifestations of the disease. Methods of diagnosis and treatment of various forms of AC are represented in detail, the features of effects of locally acting antihistamines, including olopatadine hydrochloride 0.1% (Opatanol), are discussed.
Pharmateca. 2013;(1s):17-24
pages 17-24 views

Nekotorye osobennosti naruzhnoy terapii pri atopicheskom dermatite

Macharadze D.


Today proved the important role of hydration of the skin and applying emollient/moisturizer in the acute and chronic phases of atopic dermatitis (AtD). In particular, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, which include topical corticosteroids (TGKS) and topical calcineurin inhibitors are recommended only after proper skin care: cleansing and hydration of the skin with moisturizers/emollients. Described in the literature are cases of equivalent effectiveness of moisturizers and TGKS for patients with AtD. In general, skin hydration and moisturizing agents greatly increase the effectiveness of the treatment AtD and quality of life of these patients. In addition, wetting agents have a unique protective effect even before the severe symptoms of acute illness, and dramatically reduce the amount of medication. At the same time supporting basic therapy does not replace drugs with anti-inflammatory action (TGKS, topical calcineurin inhibitors).
Pharmateca. 2013;(1s):25-29
pages 25-29 views

Sovremennaya kontseptsiya fenotipirovaniya bronkhial'noy astmy - vzglyad klinitsista

Fomina D., Goryachkina L.


The problems of the pathophysiological and clinical heterogeneity of various forms of bronchial asthma (BA) are discussed. The current stage of the study of BA is marked by the appearance of a new direction - phenotyping of disease and endotyping associated with phenotyping. This will allow for a differentiated approach to the treatment, the development of individual schemes of treatment of this disease, and effective algorithms for the use of drugs, and thus, will allow to maximize the therapeutic effect and avoid off-label use of drugs.
Pharmateca. 2013;(1s):30-34
pages 30-34 views

Atopicheskiy dermatit u detey: sovremennye vozmozhnosti primeneniya novykh form naruzhnykh protivovospalitel'nykh sredstv

Revyakina V.


The article is dedicated to the problem of atopic dermatitis (AD) in children. Information on the pathogenesis, clinical manifestations of the disease, and the choice of external anti-inflammatory therapy is presented. The article discusses the results of the study involving 22 children with AD, which demonstrated high efficacy and good tolerability of Lokoid lipocrem and Locoid crelo in the treatment of moderate-to-severe AD in infants. These drugs have good cosmetic properties, well sop through the skin, leave no greasy marks, and improve the quality of life for patients.
Pharmateca. 2013;(1s):35-39
pages 35-39 views

“Slozhnaya” bronkhial'naya astma - sovremennoe sostoyanie problemy

Biteeva D., Goryachkina L., Drobik O., Konishcheva A.


“Complicated" bronchial asthma (BA) is a serious medical and social problem associated with high morbidity and mortality, and amounts of up to 80 % of all health care costs for the treatment of BA. Understanding the immunological and pathogenic features of the disease led to the identification of different BA phenotypes and confirmed the need for expanding the choice of available therapeutic approaches. The results of the study involving 25 patients with uncontrolled severe atopic asthma showed that combination therapy (inhaled corticosteroids/ long-acting β2-agonists + montelukast 10 mg) for 24 weeks significantly optimizes clinical and functional control of the disease, and partly improves control of airway inflammation.
Pharmateca. 2013;(1s):40-48
pages 40-48 views

Pollinoz: sovremennyy vzglyad na aktual'nuyu problemu

Goryachkina L., Terekhova E.


Article is devoted to the problem of clinical allergy - diagnosis and treatment of pollinosis. The article highlights the prevalence of pollinosis, discusses the etiology, pathogenesis of the disease. Discussed in detail features of the course, the modern methods of diagnosis, prevention and therapy of pollinosis. The features of the drug Prevalin - nasal spray for topical application.
Pharmateca. 2013;(1s):49-56
pages 49-56 views

Znachenie malykh bronkhov pri nekotorykh fenotipakh astmy i effektivnost' ekstramelkodispersnogo ingalyatsionnogo kortikosteroida tsiklesonid

Nenasheva N.


This article is devoted to the discussion of possible ways to optimize the current level of asthma control in patients taking into account, on the one hand, the phenotypic heterogeneity of the disease, and on the other hand - the ability to impact on the peripheral airways (small bronchi). Finely-divided inhaled corticosteroid ciclesonide, which has a large lung fraction, more than half of which is distributed in the distal bronchi, is effective in achieving and maintaining control of asthma in children, adolescents and adults. High safety of the drug includes the lack of systemic effects and a low incidence of local oropharyngeal reactions.
Pharmateca. 2013;(1s):57-66
pages 57-66 views

Kestin - ot zasluzhennykh uspekhov k novym innovatsionnym dostizheniyam

Tataurshchikova N.


The article discusses the properties of antihistamines in the light of the basic principles of rational pharmacotherapy. Ebastine (Kestine) - high-effective new generation antihistamine that meets all the requirements of the modern antihistamines. The presence of different dosage forms, varying by dosages and the onset of action, allows to consider Kestine as a drug of choice, which affects the quality of life of patients with various manifestations of allergic diseases.
Pharmateca. 2013;(1s):67-70
pages 67-70 views

Vosproizvedennye ingalyatsionnye preparaty vse li my o nikh znaem?

Zyryanov S., Belousov Y., Gil'deeva G.
Pharmateca. 2013;(1s):71-74
pages 71-74 views

Allergicheskiy rinit. Vozmozhnosti preventivnoy terapii

Nasunova A., Drobik O.


Allergic rhinitis is a serious medical and social problem associated with a high morbidity and high economic expenses for rhinitis management. The conducted studies demonstrated expediency of treatment with intranasal steroids, the most suitable medication for a prevention strategy, because they target the inflammatory cascade at multiple points and yield measurable symptom relief when administered preventively.
Pharmateca. 2013;(1s):75-79
pages 75-79 views