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编号 13 (2014)


Zavisimost' razvitiya insul'ta ot arterial'noy gipertenzii i voprosy vybora antigipertenzivnoy terapii

Meshkova K., Gudkova V., Stakhovskaya L.


The results of numerous epidemiological studies indicate that arterial hypertension (AH) is a major risk factor for stroke. The degree of increase in blood pressure (BP) determines the severity of the stroke and the development of its fatal complications. According to various studies, 95 % of patients who died from stroke, suffered from arterial hypertension. Given the importance of the renin-angioten-sin-aldosterone system in the development of stroke, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor II antagonists are drugs of choice in the treatment of stroke patients.
Pharmateca. 2014;(13):8-13
pages 8-13 views

Otdel'nye mekhanizmy patogeneza formirovaniya nedostatochnosti mozgovogo krovoobrashcheniya

Chukanova E., Chukanova A.


The article discusses the currently available data on the role of changes of immune status with the formation of inflammation in the blood vessels and in the brain tissue, data on the formation of a complex cascade of molecular processes of oxidative stress, stages of apoptosis, as well as stimulation and development and neuroplasticity in the pathogenesis of cerebrovascular insufficiency.
Pharmateca. 2014;(13):14-19
pages 14-19 views

Neyroreparatsiya: sovremennye vzglyady na problemu

Prokopenko S., Shanina E., Petrova M., Mozheyko E.


This review discusses the fundamental biological processes of neuroprotection, neurorestoration, and neurogenesis. Natural pathways of activation of protective mechanisms, counteracting damaging factors are described. Based on principles of evidence-based medicine, the possibility of pharmacological modulation of neurodegeneration/ neurorestoration, and prevention of apoptotic mechanisms are considered. Information on the effectiveness of the neuropeptide drug Cellex (polypeptides of the brain of pig embryos) in the treatment of stroke patients is provided. It is emphasized that the proposed mechanism of action of the drug enhances its therapeutic use: the time of his appointment to the patient with ischemic stroke is not limited to the first minutes or hours from onset, and extended for a much greater period of time.
Pharmateca. 2014;(13):20-25
pages 20-25 views

Mesto dezagregantov v sisteme vtorichnoy profilaktiki ishemicheskogo insul'ta u detey i molodykh bol'nykh

L'vova O., Gusev V.


The article describes the current data and debating points on the indications, dosage and duration of therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel in stroke young patients and children. Recommended dosage for children is 1-3 for aspirin and 0.2-2.0 mg/kg/day for clopidogrel. The authors provide their own data on the six-year follow-up of 82 children with acute ischemic cerebrovascular insufficiency, who received antithrombotic therapy. The high efficiency (twofold reduction of recurrence of thrombotic events) and safety of the proposed scheme for medical support of patients is demonstrated.
Pharmateca. 2014;(13):26-30
pages 26-30 views

Novye oral'nye antikoagulyanty v profilaktike i lechenii venoznykh trombozov i tromboemboliy: fokus na rivaroksaban

Glezer M.


The article presents the main reasons for the development of venous thromboembolism and its complications, and describes the main risks of thrombosis. The results of studies forming the evidence base for the use of direct factor Xa inhibitor rivaroxaban for treatment of deep venous thrombosis, prevention of recurrent thrombosis, prevention of venous thromboembolism in patients undergoing orthopedic surgery and having atrial fibrillation, are discussed in detail.
Pharmateca. 2014;(13):31-39
pages 31-39 views

Effektivnost' i bezopasnost' terapii rozuvastatinom. Rezul'taty 8-nedel'nogo issledovaniya «ot 5 do 40»

Kaminnyy A., Shuvalova Y., Shishova T., Kaminnaya V., Tutunov V., Soboleva D., Kukharchuk V.


The main purpose of the «from 5 to 40» study was to evaluate the lipid-lowering efficacy and safety of rosuvastatin (Mertenil, «Gedeon Richter») in different doses (from 5 to 40 mg/day) for 8 weeks of treatment in routine clinical practice.
Pharmateca. 2014;(13):40-46
pages 40-46 views

Otsenka ratsional'nogo primeneniya antigipertenzivnykh preparatov beremennymi zhenshchinami s somaticheskoy patologiey

Konyshko N., Krikova A.


The study was aimed to the analysis of rationality of the use of antihypertensive drugs in pregnant women in three subjects of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation. For this purpose, we conducted an analytical study of regulatory guidelines and documents, and assessment the expert opinions on the use of antihypertensive agents in pregnant women. The results lead to the following conclusion: in the national guidelines for the treatment of arterial hypertension in this category of patients of various countries, preference in the choice of second-line drugs is following: United States - labetalol; WHO experts, Australia - oxprenolol and pindolol; European Union - atenolol, metoprolol, pindolol and oxprenolol; Russian cardiologists - propranolol and atenolol. Experts of Central Federal District showed sufficient, good or very good degree of familiarity with the recommended antihypertensive drugs.
Pharmateca. 2014;(13):47-50
pages 47-50 views

Otsenka effektivnosti tioktovoy kisloty v korrektsii chuvstvitel'nykh narusheniy pri khronicheskoy vospalitel'noy demieliniziruyushchey poliradikulonevropatii

Khabirov F., Khaybullin T., Aver'yanova L., Babicheva N., Granatov E.


Sensory disorders are the main clinical manifestations of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP), determining the disability of patients; so, the development of effective methods for their treatment is relevant and promising challenge. The results of study on the effectiveness and tolerability of 12-week course of treatment with thioctic acid in patients with CIDP are presented. It has been shown that the use of thioctic acid against the background of basic therapy for the treatment of CIDP is accompanied by a decrease in the severity and slowing the progression of sensory disorders that allows to recommend the use of drug in routine clinical practice.
Pharmateca. 2014;(13):51-56
pages 51-56 views

Sindrom defitsita vnimaniya i giperaktivnosti: sovremennye podkhody k diagnostike i farmakoterapii

Zavadenko N.


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) previously was considered as a disease of children and adolescents, but studies have shown that symptoms undergo a transformation and continue to be found in adulthood approximately in 50 % of patients. The article discusses the changes in the ADHD diagnostic criteria according to the DSM-V classification, where for the first time the threshold number of ADHD symptoms for adults is presented, and age dynamics of its manifestations is reflected. Treatment for ADHD should be prolonged enough and planned on the basis of assessment of the main ADHD symptoms and comorbid disorders manifestations. When selecting pharmacotherapy, drugs, which, when administered as monotherapy, may have a positive effect both on the ADHD manifestations and comorbid disorders should be preferred. The potentials for the use of atomoxetine hydrochloride, hopantenic acid, and some other neuroprotective drugs in ADHD are considered.
Pharmateca. 2014;(13):57-62
pages 57-62 views

Ishemicheskaya bolezn' serdtsa. Khronicheskaya obstruktivnaya bolezn' legkikh. Serdechnaya nedostatochnost' i dykhatel'naya nedostatochnost': differentsial'naya diagnostika, lechenie

Tatarskiy A., Kirillova D.


The article deals with the problem of combination of coronary artery disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Main pathogenetic syndromes and their differential diagnosis are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the treatment of such patients: approaches to the drug therapy and non-drug therapies are described. The purpose of the article includes drawing attention to the close relationship of the leading clinical syndromes and the need for identification of the dominant pathology.
Pharmateca. 2014;(13):63-71
pages 63-71 views

Vozmozhnosti povysheniya effektivnosti i bezopasnosti terapii patsientov s poyasnichn bol'yu

Danilov A., Kamchatnov P., Chugunov A.


The article is devoted to the evaluation of drugs used for the treatment of low back pain (BP), and the problem of choosing of effective treatment strategies. The results of studies that suggest the undoubted benefits of the use of meloxicam [Amelotex] in patients with LBP compared with other drugs, and effectiveness of combination therapy (for example, the simultaneous use of meloxicam (Amelotex) and B vitamins) are presented.
Pharmateca. 2014;(13):72-75
pages 72-75 views

Rol' razlichnykh vidov renin-angiotenzinovoy sistemy v patogeneze serdechno-sosudistykh zabolevaniy. Fokus na valsartan

Astashkin E., Glezer M.


This review summarizes the clinical and experimental data on the complex nature of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), including the classic endocrine RAAS, tissue renin-angiotensin system (RAS) located on the cell surface, and intracellular RAS. The mechanisms of intracrine activation of cells of cardiovascular system, underlying cardiac hypertrophy, remodeling, fibrosis, and formation of cardiac insufficiency, are discussed. The results of the action of valsartan - fat-soluble ATi receptor antagonist are analyzed, including its impact on the three types of RAS, as well as the consequences of its actions on the ATi receptors of different locations.
Pharmateca. 2014;(13):76-83
pages 76-83 views

Kombinirovannaya terapiya patsientov s poyasnichnoy bol'yu

Kamchatnov P., Danilov A., Evzel'man M.


Important problems of treatment of patient with low-back pain (LBP) include the elimination of pain and reversion of patient to normal life. Drugs are widely used for pain relief, primarily analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Nimesulide is one of the drugs, which have long been used for the treatment of patients with pain syndromes caused by diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including LBP. Drugs that can provide structurally modifying effect, which not only eliminate the most important symptoms, but also affect the course of the disease, in particular slow the disease progression, are of justified interest. One of these drugs is chondroitin sulfate sodium (Chondrogard), and significant clinical experience of its use is gained.
Pharmateca. 2014;(13):84-89
pages 84-89 views

Farmakodinamicheskie aspekty primeneniya nekotorykh nootropnykh sredstv pri kognitivnykh narusheniyakh

Potupchik T., Veselova O., Evert L.


Cognitive disorders are very common in clinical practice and serve as the main marker of chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency. Memory formation begins with changes in the activity of neurons, controlled by neurotransmitters at the synaptic level. The article presents the pharmacodynamic aspects of use of some nootropics for the treatment of cognitive impairment in patients with cerebrovascular disease. From a pathogenetic point of view, the use of the precursors of acetylcholine (choline alphosceratus); succinate-containing energy-correctors, such as 2-methyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine succinate (Mexidol), ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate; antihypoxants (Actovegin), and drugs for the treatment of dementia and Alzheimer's disease (memantine) is most justified in cognitive impairment.
Pharmateca. 2014;(13):90-95
pages 90-95 views