
State of cognitive functions in patients with various forms of atrial fibrillation
Orlova I., Batyukina S., Kochetkov A., Piksina G., Plotnikova N., Ostroumova O.
The role of choline in epigenetic programming of somatic and mental health during fetal development and prevention of obstetric complications
Tapilskaya N., Zhernakova T., Bespalova O., Ryzhov Y., Glushakov R.
Arterial hypertension and cognitive impairment in elderly and senile patients: basic approaches to patient management
Ostroumova O., Telkova S., Dzamihov K., Kochetkov A., Baronov S.
Anticonvulsants influence on cognitive and behavioral functions
Ushkalova A., Ushkalova E., Ushkalova A., Ushkalova E.
Prokopenko S., Mozheyko E., Koryagina T., Anay-ool T., Shanina E., Petrova M.
Comparative assessment of the efficacy and safety of various pharmacological forms of anticholinergic drugs and botulinum therapy for sialorrhea in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Levitsky G., Levitsky A., Sanadze A.
Encephabol in the treatment of patients with moderate cognitive disturbances
Chukanova E., Chukanova E.
Vliyanie amlodipina na kognitivnye funktsii u pozhilykh bol'nykh arterial'noy gipertoniey
Ostroumova O., Pervichko E.
Predictors of efficiency of neurorehabilitation in patients with motor disorders using the brain-computer neurointerface
Kondur A.
Potentials for the pharmacological preconditioning in the surgical treatment of hemodynamically significant carotid stenosis
Kuznetsov M., Karalkin A., Fedin A., Virganskiy A., Kunitsyn N., Kholopova E., Yumin S.
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