The Influence of Channel Geometry on the Refrigeration Rate of Ball Bearings of High-Speed Turbocharger with the Help of Waste Pack Lubrication

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The paper examines the influence of channel geometry on hydrodynamics of an oil-air mix for the purpose of increasing the intensity of heat exchange from a ball-bearing support of high-speed turbocharger. The parametrical analysis of channel geometry is carried out and the optimum variant of cooling which would raise concentration of oil on the internal ring of the bearing is chosen.

About the authors

Y S Kustarev


д.т.н., проф8-495-223-05-23 доб. 12-97; МГТУ «МАМИ»; MSTU MAMI

V I Merkulov


д.т.н., проф8-495-223-05-23 доб. 12-97; МГТУ «МАМИ»; MSTU MAMI

A G Valeev


8-495-223-05-23 доб. 12-97; МГТУ «МАМИ»; MSTU MAMI


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Copyright (c) 2008 Kustarev Y.S., Merkulov V.I., Valeev A.G.

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