Features of renal dysfunction in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease



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Objective. To study features of renal dysfunction and risk factors for CKD in COPD patients. Materials and methods. 300 inpatient medical records (form 003/y) of the Pulmonary Department of Krasnodar Тен №2 with the verified diagnosis of COPD stages і-iv (76.3% male, mean age 68.51±9.85 years, the average length of the disease 20.9±3.2 years; 23.6% women, mean age 65.95±10,1 years, average length disease 17.2±2.2 years). Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was calculated in all patients with the use of the CKD-Ері equation. results. Moderate reduction of eGFRCKD-EPI 89-60 ml/min/i,73m 2 (37.з%), hyperfiltration was found in 22% of patients, eGFRCKD-EPI reduction ranged from 59 to 45 ml/min/1,73m 2 was detected in 26.7% of patients and eGFRCKD-EPI of 44-30 ml/min/1,73m 2 - in 3.3% of patients. There was a high prevalence of potentially modifiable CKD risk factors: ELEVATED CRP LEVELS - in 100% of patients, smoking - in 92%, age 65 years - in 78.6%, hypertension - in 65.6%, genitourinary diseases - in 53 3%, excess BMI and obesity -in 36%, long-term use of NSAIDS - in 36%, impaired carbohydrate metabolism - in 17.6%. Conclusions. The high prevalence of risk factors for CKD and reduced eGFRCKD-EPI in COPD patients shows that special attention to renal function should be paid in these patients.




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