Non-diabetic glucosuria in patients with primary chronic pyelonephritis



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Background. Nondiabetic glucosuria is a poorly understood laboratory manifestation of chronic pyelonephritis. Objective. Evaluation of the laboratory and morphological manifestations of non-diabetic glucosuria, combined with tubular erythrocyuria, in patients with primary chronic pyelonephritis. Material and methods. a study of nephrobiopsy specimens in patients with primary chronic pyelonephritis against the background of manifestations of non-diabetic glucosuria combined with tubular erythrocyuria was performed. The analysis was carried out in combination with the determination of the level of morning glycemia, glycated hemoglobin, the intensity of glucosuria and manifestations of the urinary syndrome. results and discussion. The level of morning glycemia and the proportion of erythrocytes with glycated hemoglobin in the blood of healthy individuals and patients with chronic pyelonephritis did not have significant differences, but were accompanied by variously expressed non-diabetic glucosuria. In patients with chronic pyelonephritis, the urinary glucose kevel was statistically higher, which coincided with an increase in the number of cellular and bacterial inclusions in the urinary sediment. In biopsy specimens, along with unchanged blood cells in the lumen of the distal tubules, leached erythrocytes and their degradation products, pas-positive protein casts, epithelium with signs of atrophy were observed; significant thickening of the walls of the tubules with accumulation of bacteria in the lumen and lymphocytic-leukocyte infiltration of the surrounding interstitium was detected. Conclusion. Non-diabetic glucosuria in combination with tubular erythrocyturia may be one of the factors in the formation of primary chronic pyelonephritis.




Vadim Berdichevsky

the Tyumen State Medical University

Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor at the Department of Oncology with a course in Urology Tyumen, Russia

Vladimir Zhmurov

the Tyumen State Medical University

Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department of Propaedeutic and Faculty Therapy Tyumen, Russia

Alisiya Romanova

the Tyumen State Medical University

Postgraduate Student at the Department of Oncology with a course of Urology Tyumen, Russia

Farkhod Rasulov

the Tyumen State Medical University

Tyumen, Russia

Stanislav Khilkevich

Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2

Head of the Department of Urology Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2

Alexey Boldyrev

the Tyumen State Medical University

Postgraduate Student at the Department of Oncology with a course of Urology Tyumen, Russia

Artem Gonyaev

the Tyumen State Medical University

Postgraduate Student at the Department of Oncology with a course of Urology Tyumen, Russia

Aleksandra Bichenova

the Pathoanatomical Bureau of Multifield Clinical Medical Center "Medical City"

Anatomopathologist Tyumen, Russia


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