Robotizirovannoe vosstanovlenie funktsii khod'by u bol'nykh s tserebral'nym insul'tom

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100 patients (57 men and 43 women) at the age from 45 till 75 years with ischemic stroke in the basin of the middle cerebral
artery 30 days from the beginning of the disease were examined. Patients were divided into two homogeneous groups based
on the content of a medical complex: the main group I (n = 50) received training on the robotic complex Lokomat, Group
II, control (n = 50) received training treadmill with the unloading of body weight. All the patients underwent a standardized
rehabilitation treatment (drug therapy, physiotherapy, massage). The patients of I (basic) and II (control) group both before and
after rehabilitation for evaluation of systemic hemodynamics carried out impedance cardiography by the device CardioScreen
1000 of Niccomo (USA), and to quantify the parameters of cerebral blood flow all patients underwent bilateral transcranial
Doppler middle cerebral artery (MCA). Trainings of patients of the basic and control groups were carried out by the scheme:
40 minutes 5 days a week for 6 weeks.
A 6-point scale the degree of paresis, stroke scale National Institute of Health, the index distance Hauser were used to
assess the rehabilitation measures
Analyzing the received results, it is possible to assume that the inclusion of the method of robotic therapy on a complex
apparatus Lokomat, a program of comprehensive rehabilitation in the early rehabilitation period of ischemic stroke improves
recovery of gait.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Kuznetsov A.N., Daminov V.D., Kankulova E.A., Uvarova O.A.

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