
Managing the digital transformation of organizations with artificial intelligence
Shabaltina L., Maslennikov V.
Network innovation structures in the regional economy: forms and types of management strategies
Tumenova S.
Your Money or Your Life concept as a marketing tool for medical organizations amidst the healthcare digital transformation
Mamedguliev R., Cheprasov V., Mindubaev R.
Characteristics of the digital asset market evolution
Ustinova O., Izzuka T., Milovidova S.
Improving the risk management mechanism at coal mining companies
Khanova L., Dovgun A.
Machine learning methods in human resource management
Krichevskiy M., Dmitrieva S., Martynova Y.
How artificial intelligence helps transform the digital economy
Yakovleva E., Vinogradov A., Aleksandrova L., Filimonov A.
Major aspects in managing innovative territorial development in the current national context
Grachev S., Donichev O., Bykova M.
Digitalization of economic relations as a factor of countries' sustainable development
Abramov V., Abramov I., Putilov A., Trushinya I.
Climate project management in cluster structures using PRiSM methodology
Gertsik Y., Drobot E.
Ecology, personnel, government: diagnostics and management
Moskvitina E., Ovsyannikova D., Pondo E.
Methods and tools for the public management of the smart city
Semyachkov K.
Intellectual resources in strategic management of innovative development of the Republic of Belarus
Golovchanskaya E.
Benefits of financial controls based on the digital ruble
Unizhaev N.
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