The state and prospects of development of the pipe industry in Russia

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The article examines the state and prospects of development of the pipe industry of the Russian Federation. The authors, based on statistical data and the method of "Five Forces" by M. Porter, analyzed the current trends in the development of the industry, characterized its structure, investigated the volume of production, imports and exports, as well as the main factors determining the dynamics of the development of the pipe industry. The article also examines the main forces influencing this market, namely: provides information on the main manufacturers, existing substitute products and the possibility of new sellers entering the market, describes the economic opportunities and trading abilities of suppliers and consumers. In addition, the article discusses the main driving forces of the development of the Russian pipe industry, including: changes in the structure of costs and productivity, the introduction of new products, technological changes and the increasing globalization of the industry. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the pipe industry has a great potential for development. This article will be of interest to specialists interested in the state and development of the pipe industry in the Russian Federation.

About the authors

Aleksandr Vladimirovich Kolbasin

Sevastopol State University


Elena Petrovna Garmashova

Sevastopol State University



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Copyright (c) 2023 Kolbasin A.V., Garmashova E.P.

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