Corporate bankruptcy and crises: analysis and trends

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The author analyzes the official statistics on the bankruptcy of organizations for 2022 and the Q1 of 2023 and draws conclusions about the trends in the development of the crisis situation in 2023. The analysis of the main indicators allows to conclude that the number of bankruptcies in the current 2023 is likely to increase. It is noted that there is a disproportionately large number of bankruptcy proceedings in comparison with the number of procedures aimed at restoring solvency, financial recovery and rehabilitation of debtors.As a result, creditors do not receive reimbursement of their claims, which is assessed as a direct loss. In addition, economic ties and supply chains are disrupted, which negatively affects the economy as a whole. It is proposed to discuss at the legislative level the possibility of conducting a mandatory financial recovery procedure for certain categories of debtors. Consideration of data on the total number of conclusions on the presence of signs of deliberate and fictitious bankruptcy is small, which indicates a real crisis state of enterprises and organizations. To prevent bankruptcies as an extreme manifestation of the crisis, it is proposed to apply a conceptually new innovative direction for ensuring strategic sustainable development. It is the mechanism of autogenic self-generated. In other words, controlled crisis.

About the authors

Oleg Vladimirovich Devyatkin

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics



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