Developing professional skills in educating marketers: forms of effective interaction between educational organizations and representatives of the business community




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The article analyzes the supply and demand in the labor market in the professional area "Marketing, Advertising, and PR". During 2022 and in the first half of 2023, the level of competition of job seekers for jobs in this category was extremely high. This makes it necessary for candidates to have professional competencies. In this regard, the role of higher education in the training of a qualified marketing specialist is considered. Higher education is not an absolutely necessary condition for working as a marketer, but from the point of view of a significant part of employers, it contributes to the development of high-level competencies that are in demand for solving marketing tasks. Based on the survey of employers conducted by the author, the main requirements for a future marketing specialist are determined. These requirements are as follows: basic knowledge in marketing, knowledge and understanding of the main business processes, project activity skills in promoting goods or services to the market, taking into account the company's development strategy. The main approaches to the formation of professional competencies of marketers at the university are formulated. First of all, it is necessary to ensure the introduction of practice-oriented forms of educational activity into the educational process, such as participation in competitions, acceleration programs, scientific and practical conferences, internships, organization of active meetings and master classes with representatives of the business community.The conditions of competitiveness of a marketing graduate in the labor market are determined.


Mariya Rakhova

Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs



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