On the Construction of Emergency Arbitrator System in Mainland China

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Based on the judicial policy supporting the development of international commercial arbitration and following the international development trend, China has not only introduced the emergency arbitrator system into the arbitration rules of arbitration institutions, but also intends to make breakthroughs in legislation - the Arbitration Law (revised draft), issued by the Ministry of Justice on July 30, 2021, adopted interim measures as a new special section and introduced the emergency arbitrator system. Although some arbitration institutions in China have made breakthrough attempts for the emergency arbitrator system, it is still new in China so that its provisions and application remains in the superficial stage. Therefore, this article will take China’s Arbitration Law (revised draft) as the background and combine with the provisions of arbitration institutions headquartered in mainland China on the emergency arbitrator system to discuss the construction and rule design of the emergency arbitrator system in China.

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About the authors

Qiang Yue

Shanghai University of Political Science and Law

Author for correspondence.
Email: yueqiang850510@sina.com
Dr. Sci. (Hum.); post-doctor at the East China University of Politics and Law (Law); scientific supervisor of the undergraduate of the Shanghai University of Political Science and Law; deputy Head at the Research Center at the SCO Legal Services Commission (China); member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Social and Political Sciences” Shanghai, China

Yiwei Dong

Shanghai University of Political Science and Law

Email: dongyiwei_email@163.com
Cand. Sci. (Law); International Law School of the Shanghai University of Political Science and Law Shanghai, China


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