On elevating the status of the Federation Council Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation



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The purpose of the research. The article describes the relationship between the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, as well as the current legislation regarding adopting federal laws. The article reveals the problem of relations between the two chambers of the Russian parliament, expressed in the lowering of the status of the Federation Council, as the chamber of the Russian parliament, consolidating and representing the interests of the subjects of Russia at the federal level. The decorative veto right of the Federation Council when considering federal laws adopted by the State Duma is analyzed. The aim of the study is toelevatethe status of the Federation Council by establishing and identifying a possible option for reforming the current legislation, under which the Federation Council will receive a full-fledged veto right. Conclusions. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the position of representatives of the regions when considering federal laws is no less important than the position of representatives of political parties, while the lack of a full veto right from the Federation Council when considering federal laws adopted by the State Duma diminishes the status of the upper house of the Russian parliament. The author concludes that there is a tendency to elevate the status of the upper chamber of the Russian parliament considers it necessary to amend the current legislation and proposes a specific version of such a change that will increase the status of the Federation Council.




Konstantin Egorov

Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy"

Email: prepodegorov@ya.ru
Cand. Sci. (Polit.); associate professor at the Department of Fundamental Legal and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Moscow, Russian Federation


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