The Problem of value and ethical guidelines in a digital society

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The purpose of the article is to identify the moral values that underlie human behavior and activity in modern culture, to show the significance of moral Maxim - «be responsible for your actions» and to justify the inevitability of the approval of this norm. A society that actively develops and uses modern technologies is now commonly referred to as a digital society. Within its framework, there is a transformation of culture, the formation of a new environment of human existence, which significantly affect the style and orientation of human life. In the process of introducing modern technologies into the life of humanity, the values that ultimately guide technology become increasingly important. For representatives of the consumer society formed in recent decades, orientations on utilitarianism and hedonism have become increasingly popular. In the sphere of moral values, emotivist attitudes that practically deny the universality of ethical norms are widely spread. In the sphere of moral values, emotivist attitudes that practically deny the universality of ethical norms are widely spread. New technologies (especially information and communication) provide ethical standards. New technologies (especially information and communication technologies) provide tremendous opportunities for their promotion. However, such values increase the risk of dehumanization of the individual, destruction of the fundamental components of society, and even destruction of the ecosystem, of which the person himself is a part. This problem is extremely relevant and is the subject of active discussion and research in various fields. It is no accident that along with individual and social ethics, environmental ethics and bioethics, computer and information ethics have appeared. The growth of technology capabilities significantly increases the responsibility of users at all levels-from individuals to multinational corporations. The ethics of responsibility transforms moral principles from abstract and speculative ideas about good and evil into a material and practical tool for activities that affect the interests of all humanity and the world around it to a greater or lesser extent. It should help to overcome the dominance of hedonistic, utilitarian and emotivist attitudes in human life orientations and activities, allowing him to fully use the achievements of digital culture in order to improve the individual, society and nature.

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About the authors

Svetlana Vladimirovna Devyatova

Lomonosov Moscow state university

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), professor, Professor of philosophical department Moscow, Russian Federation

Valentina Pavlovna Kazaryan

Lomonosov Moscow state university

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), professor, Professor of philosophical department Moscow, Russian Federation


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