Social Feeling as a Spiritual and Psychological Phenomenon

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Article is devoted to one of the central problem of the modern world - problem of socialization. According to conception of well-known philosophers A. Adler, S.L. Frank, C.H. Cooley author considered psychological and philosophical approaches to the problem of social feeling. Author demonstrated concept of social feeling in connection with other categories of social theory. It has paid specific attention to the issue of forming social “self” as contradictory unity of will to power and desire for understanding, support. The philosophical point of view concerning the “I - you” connection as the basis of “I”. The main conclusion of article is the connection social and religious aspects in understanding of forming personality. It is also concluded that successful adherence to social standards of behavior, as well as orientation to cultural values and ideas, helps individuals to implement their program, build social ties of friendship, love and cooperation.

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About the authors

Elena V. Zimyanina

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Cand. Sci. (Philos.); associate professor at the Department of Philosophy of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy Moscow, Russian Federation


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