The place and role of the Russian world in the modern state system. Integral-ontological approach

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Russian culture and identity must be revived and preserved in order to mark the place and role of Russian civilization in the international arena in the context of a change of course from a unipolar world order to a multipolar one. To this end, the author provides the justification for the need to develop an epistemological ideology of the Russian world that unites all layers of society as a basic platform for the subsequent state structure as an attractor of the Eurasian civilization. Russian ideas have a conceptual basis, but the problem of the Russian world, for all its popularity and discussion, is completely insufficiently developed in scientific and theoretical terms. The article considers several scientific approaches United by the methodology of the integral-ontological approach for developing the conceptual apparatus of the Russian world. As a result, the concept of a modern national idea and an epistemological definition of the Russian world are proposed. For the balance of the state administration system, a bioregulatory system is proposed, which is possible on the basis of the fundamental principles of institutionalization of the Russian world.

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About the authors

Alexander V. Alimov

Institute of Law and National Security, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Email: a.alimov@тартария.москва
post-graduate student of the Department of Public Administration and National Security, Faculty of National Security Moscow, Russian Federation


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