The Ways to Strengthen Cooperation between China and Russia in the Field of Low-carbon Energy (in the Context of the Global Trend of “Carbon Neutrality”)


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Against the background of the rapid evolution of the current international energy landscape and special attention to global climate management, the main interested participants in this process have started a new round of games around the key issue of “carbon neutrality”. In the face of both opportunities and challenges, China and Russia should accelerate the implementation of “carbon neutrality” through cooperation in the field of low-carbon energy, which can be considered as an effort to jointly stabilize the overall situation in the energy sector and strengthen international trust. Both countries strongly support the “green” development of energy and work together to promote global “green” and low-carbon transformation, fully demonstrating the strong responsibility of the powers. The article points out ways to strengthen cooperation between China and Russia in the field of low - carbon energy: the creation of a mechanism for cooperation in the field of low-carbon energy, deepening cooperation in the field of capacity-building within the framework of the interface of the EAEU and the “One Belt, One Road” project, strengthening bilateral exchanges and cooperation in the field of low-carbon energy technologies, the use of multilateral organizations to perform a coordinating role between China and Russia.

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Sobre autores

Haolei Han

Inner Mongolia Technological University of China

Cand. Sci. (Polit.); associate professor at the Department of Sinicization of Marxism of the Faculty of Marxism Hoh-Hot, Inner Mongolia, People’s Republic of China

Ling Chu

Inner Mongolia Technological University of China

Cand. Sci. (Polit.), Associate Professor; Head at the Department of Moral Education of the Faculty of Marxism; expert of the Russian-Mongolian Research Center Hoh-Hot, Inner Mongolia, People’s Republic of China


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