Demographic challenges and risks: Their socio-political consequences in the Far Eastern Federal District


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The article examines the problem of the priority of preserving and increasing the resident population of the Far East due to demographic challenges and risks of negative political consequences in connection with the increasing trend of depopulation of the territories of the Far Eastern Federal District and the threat of loss of national sovereignty. The author identifies significant challenges of a demographic nature. The purpose of the study is to identify demographic challenges and risks using the means of political science analysis: their socio-political consequences in the Far Eastern Federal District. Achieved results: 1) using the author’s definition of socio-political reality as a potential and actualized political being, the understanding of the peculiarities of socio-political reality in the Far Eastern Federal District as its subregional variety, formed under the influence of certain challenges and risks, and at the same time generating new ones that can pose threats to national security, is revealed; 2) justified the priority of preserving and increasing the resident population of the Far East due to demographic challenges and risks of negative political consequences in connection with the increasing trend of depopulation of the territories of the Far Eastern Federal District and the threat of loss of national sovereignty; 3) significant demographic challenges identified.

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Sobre autores

Joni Avdoi

Institute of Socio-Political research - Branch of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISPR FCTAS RAS)

applicant t Moscow, Russian Federation


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