Subject of prosecutor’s supervision during direction of international request to Interpol


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In the practice of declaring an international wanted list, uncertainty arose with the subject of prosecutorial oversight regarding the timing by which the National Central Bureau of Interpol of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia should send requests for international search to the competent authorities of the foreign member states of Interpol and to the General Secretariat of Interpol. Based on the analysis of the regulatory legal acts regulating the international search procedure and the existing practice, the article determines the legal nature of relations in the field of preparation and implementation of the international search documentation and makes reasoned suggestions to address this problem. The deadline for sending the National Central Bureau of Interpol of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia a request for an international search of the accused to the competent authorities of foreign states after receiving the opinion of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation on the existence of grounds for declaring an international search is an important area of public law relations. The absence of a statutory deadline for the National Central Bureau of Interpol to send a request for an international search of the accused to the competent authorities of foreign states after receiving the opinion of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation on the existence of grounds for declaring an international search reduces the legal capacity for departmental control in this area of activity and deprives the prosecution authorities subject of supervision in this part. Relations in the field of preparation and implementation of documentation of the international search are complex in their legal nature and are included in the scope of criminal procedure, operational search, prosecutorial and regulatory regulation. The complex legal nature of the rule on the deadline for sending a request for the international search of the accused is most consistent with the interdepartmental normative legal act “Instruction on the organization of information support for cooperation through Interpol”. On this basis, it is proposed to establish in Art. 138 Instructions for Interpol relevant to the deadline for sending a search request.

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Sobre autores

Maxim Tarasov

Federal State Institution “Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service”

Cand. Sci. (Law); leading researcher Moscow, Russian Federation


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