Parliamentarism in the System of Ensuring the National Security of Modern Russia




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The article is devoted to the definition of the role and importance of parliamentarism in ensuring the national security of modern Russia. The identified problems involve the consideration of such key points as the definition of possible directions of the parliament’s activities to ensure national security, including through the prism of the legitimacy of the parliamentary institution itself, as well as the analysis of the features of the formation and functioning of the parliamentary system, creating difficulties in the implementation of the global task of ensuring national security. On the basis of various approaches, factors that reduce the effectiveness of parliamentary activity are analyzed, key features of institutionalization and functioning that negatively affect the perception of parliamentary institutions by society are identified. A set of measures to increase the legitimacy of parliamentarism and the effectiveness of its institutions is proposed. Attention is also paid to the problems of political responsibility of the ruling elite, concrete measures and mechanisms are proposed to improve the institution of political responsibility, which ultimately should lead to the activation of the activities of parliamentary institutions to ensure national security.




Alexander Kerimov

Ural Federal University named after B.N. Yeltsin

Dr. Sci. (Polit.), Associate Professor; Professor at the Department of Political Sciences Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation

Fatima Shebzukhova

Karachay-Circassian Republican Institute of Advanced Training of Educational Workers

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Professor; Head at the Department of History, Social Studies and Political Science Cherkessk, Russian Federation


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