Classification of Malpractices of Microfinancial Oranizations in the Russian Federation




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The idea of regulating financial institutions in general and microfinancial organization in particular lies in finding the balance in following the economic interests of all the sides involved. For the individual this implies keeping their well-being while for the state this means to ensure the well-being of all the different strata of the society. One of the functions of the microfinancial organizations is to give small businesses access to legal money for further development. Having said that, ideally microcredits should lead to growth of individual’s wealth, growth of the middle class, growth of the income of the region and the country. However, microfinancial organizations historically have been surrounded by a negative image, and malpractices only make it worse for them. By understanding deviant practices and their classification there is space for preventing their spread and for forming an environment that would work for the society development. Literature analysis has shown that there is no common classification, and the result proposes a model that takes into account the specifics of the Russian market and takes into consideration the most of malpractices applied there.




Anna Vergazova

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

postgraduate student, assistant at the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications Moscow, Russian Federation


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