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In various countries of the world, for at least last fifteen years, in the structure of nosocomial infections the leading position has been occupied by gram-negative pathogens, Escherichia coli in particular. The data of the World Health Organization testify the increasing resistance of this pathogen to antibiotics, which determines the relevance of creating and developing new antimicrobial agents. Primary screening of new 1.3-diazinon-4 derivatives and their non-cyclic precursors made it possible to identify the leader compounds capable of active suppressing the growth of E. coli and promising for the further study. The aim of the study is to investigate the activity of the compounds under laboratory ciphers of PYaTs4, PYaTs6, PYaTs7, PJTd8, PYaTd9, PYaTd15 with respect to Escherichia coli. Materials and methods. The study of the activity of the compounds was carried out on the basis of collection and freshly isolated strains from patients with different pathologies. Before the inoculation all the strains were identified by means of the BIOMIC V3 software complex (Giles Scientific, USA) to confirm their belonging to the genus and species. The strains used in the work were previously tested for susceptibility to antibacterial drugs by the disk method to assess the presence or absence of resistance. The activity of the new compounds was studied by the serial dilution method. Results and discussion. The investigation of the sensitivity of the strains by the disk method to antibacterial drugs used in the etiotropic therapy of infections caused by Escherichia coli revealed microorganisms with multiple drug resistance. The analysis of the inoculation of the strains showed that all the studied compounds have the ability to suppress the growth of E. coli being both collectively and freshly isolated from patients with various pathologies. Conclusion. The substances under the laboratory ciphers of PYaTd8 and PYaTs4 are the most active in respect to the studied strains. At the same time, the MIC50 (minimum inhibitory concentration) of all the compounds does not exceed 10–20 μg / ml, which makes them promising for the further study. 

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Pharmacy & Pharmacology V. 6 N 1, 2018Фармация и фармакология Т. 6 № 1, 2018Фармакология, клиническая фармакология harmacology, PharmacologyPharmacy & Pharmacology V. 6 N 1, 2018Фармация и фармакология Т. 6 № 1, 2018Фармакология, клиническая фармакология harmacology, Pharmacology

About the authors

S. A. Luzhnova

FSBI “Research Institute for the Study of Leprosy”


A. V. Voronkov

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute – branch of Volgograd State Medical University


I. P. Kodonidi

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute – branch of Volgograd State Medical University


N. M. Gabitova

FSBI “Research Institute for the Study of Leprosy”


Suda Billel

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute – branch of Volgograd State Medical University



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Copyright (c) 2018 Luzhnova S.A., Voronkov A.V., Kodonidi I.P., Gabitova N.M., Billel S.

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