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卷 10, 编号 4 (2023)



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Housing stock segmentation

Belkina T.


The article defines approaches to the segmentation of the housing stock in the Russian Federation as part of a unified system of market relations in the housing sector. The author consistently examines the situation on the housing market, the structure of the housing stock in comparison with European countries. The author concludes that the practice of functioning of the housing market requires a more subtle segmentation of the housing stock than the legislation proposed today.The following idea is substantiated: changes in the economy and social life of society lead to a change in preferences and opportunities, determining new housing needs of families, which initiate the supply of housing on the housing market and form new segments of the housing stock. Conventionally, the author combines these segments into two groups. A group of segments of the housing stock for social use, for citizens who, due to insufficient income, cannot operate in the housing market, as well as segments for citizens who have the opportunity to independently improve their living conditions.The process of forming segments of the housing stock on the example of rental housing and individual housing stock is considered.Noting the positive trend in the growth of housing commissioning in recent years, the article shows that the factor constraining the improvement of living conditions is largely insufficient consideration of the specifics of the needs and capabilities of various groups of the population. Segmentation of the housing stock will help to correct this situation.
Russian Journal of Housing Research. 2023;10(4):347-362
pages 347-362 views

Luxury housing as an economic and legal category in the light of the application of the institute of executive immunity norms: theory and regulation

Zhevnyak O., Gorodnova N.


Article 446 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation does not allow foreclosure on housing that is the only one suitable for the residence of the debtor and his family members, except in the case when it is the subject of a mortgage. The literal interpretation of the norm is at odds with its actual judicial interpretation: it is possible to foreclose on a single dwelling if it is luxurious. There is no consensus in science on the application of this provision. The purpose of this article is to consider the concept of luxury housing as an economic and legal category. For this purpose, the provisions of the legal and economic sciences on the concept of luxury housing, as well as approaches to its normative definition, are examined. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that luxury housing in relation to the operation of the legal institute of executive immunity is studied as an economic and legal category. The theoretical basis is laid for further research of the issue with the use of practical legal and economic knowledge. The authors formulate the results that have scientific novelty. The legal regulation of the definition of criteria for luxury housing should not be detailed, general criteria should be formulated in the legislation; the use of evaluation concepts is permissible. The law should regulate the procedure for removing luxury housing from executive immunity, the assignment of housing to the luxury category should be established by the court taking into account the specific circumstances of the case, based on the application of the participants in the process.When deciding on the luxury of housing, the court should be guided not only by regulation and approaches developed by judicial practice, but also by economic research in relation to housing classes. The removal of luxury housing from executive immunity should be an exceptional measure applied in case of an obvious (understandable to any average subject) excess of a reasonable need for housing, as well as if there is a significant economic effect.It is unacceptable to use standards for the provision of housing under social employment contracts to determine luxury and replacement housing.
Russian Journal of Housing Research. 2023;10(4):363-384
pages 363-384 views

Cost engineering of the life cycles of investment objects of complex housing development

Baronin S., Uchinina T., Kochkin N.


The problems of modeling the concept of cost engineering of the life cycles of investment objects of complex housing development projects as a strategic high-performance direction of building up the country's housing potential are examined. The authors consider the problems and prerequisites of scientific and practical modeling of cost management of the life cycles of buildings by methods of cost engineering. The genesis of the concept of integrated cost management in Russia and abroad is considered. The authors present the actualization of the sustainable development of integrated residential development in the national market and the regional market of the Penza region and in Penza. The modeling of the concept of cost engineering of the life cycles of investment construction projects for integrated residential development projects has been carried out.The obtained results of applying the methodological approach of cost engineering allow to synchronously manage both the increase of the consumer value of projects according to the criterion of minimizing the cost of ownership of residential real estate for end users and the minimization of costs in life cycles while ensuring the effectiveness of development systems. The results of the article are intended for researchers, scientists, and practitioners of the housing market interested in the sustainable development of integrated residential development based on the application of the concept of cost engineering focused on the life cycles of investment construction projects.
Russian Journal of Housing Research. 2023;10(4):385-402
pages 385-402 views

Development of measures to activate the territories of historical settlements

Gareev I., Valiullin A., Gubeev E., Khakimova T., Farkhullin R., Semko D., Potapov I., Volkov V.


Increasing the attractiveness of living in small towns and historical settlements is one of the tasks of the spatial development of the country. The boundaries of historical settlements and public spaces formed in this case are designed to differentiate scenarios for the use of territories and real estate objects. The creation of territorial development projects includes the obligatory consideration of the interests of the inhabitants and users of the territory. The authors have developed and successfully implemented a number of technical and organizational solutions within the framework of project activities in historical settlements. In particular, the application of methods of participatory design and socio-cultural programming made it possible to formulate the most effective architectural and planning solutions that can transform the life patterns of residents in small towns. The proposed solutions are aimed at activating the territories of historical settlements and preserving the population in small towns. The presented results will be useful in programs for the integrated development of territories.
Russian Journal of Housing Research. 2023;10(4):403-424
pages 403-424 views

Creating a comfortable urban environment in the system of measures to improve the quality of life in the regions

Pulyaeva V., I.


The quality of life depends on a number of factors. A comfortable urban environment is one of the key ones. It is the favorable living conditions in terms of developed infrastructure, the availability of convenient spaces for work and recreation, active socio-cultural life that ensure the attractiveness of the territory for the population, especially for young qualified personnel, which in turn has a positive impact on the development of the region. This article presents the results of a study of urban improvement practices provided for by the Housing and Urban Environment National Project. Based on the method of generalization of a set of measures implemented in various regions aimed at creating comfortable living conditions, conclusions about the expediency of continuing such activity are drawn. This activity allow securing citizens in the occupied territories due to their convenience and comfort, as well as the proposed opportunities for realizing their potential. In the analytical part, the authors assessed the dynamics of the complex indicator of the urban environment quality index of a number of cities from five constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The results of the analysis showed positive dynamics and progressive improvement of the quality of life in the studied regions and cities.
Russian Journal of Housing Research. 2023;10(4):425-440
pages 425-440 views

Comfortable urban environment in the Khabarovsk Territory: trends, problems, and prospects

Vlasov S.


The article discusses the problem of implementing the Comfortable Urban Environment in the Khabarovsk Territory Project, designed to improve the quality of life, reduce the number of urban settlements with an unfavorable environment, and create a mechanism for the citizens' participation in the arrangement and development of their places of residence. The study revealed that one of the main problems in the implementation of the project is the financial limitations of municipal budgets, especially in small towns. It has been established that the social and economic effects of invested funds increase with the active participation of citizens through the ranking voting system. It is concluded that the creation of a comfortable urban environment will reduce the outflow of population and give impetus to the development of cities.
Russian Journal of Housing Research. 2023;10(4):441-454
pages 441-454 views

Fixed assets of heat supply in the context of trends in the development of the domestic heat supply industry

Malkova T., Gamm M., Pakhomenko E.


The study is devoted to the analysis of fixed assets of heat supply organizations in the context of trends in the development of the domestic heat supply industry. The authors have identified the real problems and challenges of domestic heat supply. The authors have identified the directions of development to ensure an increase in the reliability and efficiency of the heat supply industry. The authors analyzed the trends in the development of the industry, including the priority of the development of cogeneration, enshrined in the Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation, and reviewed the previous period of “boilerization” of the country's territories. Operational efficiency reflects the ability of an organization to effectively perform its functions and achieve its goals in heat supply. The key components determining the operational efficiency of heat supply organizations are technical efficiency, which expresses the state of fixed assets (primarily heat supply sources and heating networks), energy efficiency, financial and managerial efficiency. Heat supply in Russia is traditionally divided into two segments: centralized and decentralized. In the Russian heating sector, various sources of thermal energy are represented, depending on the density of development, climatic features of the region, availability of natural resources and historical features of the region's development. A significant part of heat supply organizations at this stage of development is characterized by low operational efficiency, expressed in a high level of depreciation of fixed assets, low energy efficiency, low motivated managerial efficiency, expressed in the lack of coordination between heat supply organizations operating within the region and insufficient measures to modernize and replace fixed assets.
Russian Journal of Housing Research. 2023;10(4):455-466
pages 455-466 views

Organizational mechanism for stimulating resource conservation in the housing stock management system at the republican level

Polukhina M., Sevka V.


The article analyzes the prospects of the republican program of resource conservation stimulation in the housing system. The main attention is paid to the strategic aspects of resource conservation policy with emphasis on renewable energy sources and mechanisms of attracting the private sector by creating investment incentives. In addition, measures for the implementation of complex infrastructure modernization projects, including heat and water supply systems and insulation of residential buildings, are considered. An important element of the study is the identification of regional principles for the promotion of resource conservation, which contributes to the improvement of housing management and the optimal use of resources.This in turn contributes to the sustainable development of the regions. The presented research is of real importance for public administration bodies and business community dealing with stimulation of resource conservation in the housing sector.
Russian Journal of Housing Research. 2023;10(4):467-482
pages 467-482 views

Public interests in housing and communal services: problems of identification, evolution of institutionalization

Smirnyagin N.


In the conditions of intensive development of service aspects in the field of housing and communal services, studies on the assessment of the quality of housing and communal services have been updated. At the same time, it is obvious that in addition to the consumer of housing and communal services, many interests of its participants intersect in this area. At the same time, the interests of the individual, society and the state are determined by specific differing needs. Thus, the relevance of the article is due to the need to identify such interests in order to take them into account in the methods of assessing the quality of housing and communal services.The article systematizes approaches to the concept of public interests, carries out a meaningful interpretation of the interests of society, and also formulates criteria for assessing the quality of housing services in the context of public interests.The results of this study may be of interest to the scientific community studying various aspects of the quality of housing services, as well as to practitioners in the field of housing and communal services.
Russian Journal of Housing Research. 2023;10(4):483-498
pages 483-498 views

Construction company budget based on lean manufacturing principles

Trifonov N., Konvisarova E.


The article discusses causes of construction products low quality in the segment of multi-apartment residential buildings. Therefore, there is no competition in the Russian market for quality new housing that is not related to the elite segment. It looks at the cost components of a construction company's budget that have the greatest impact on quality and the implementation of lean principles. Attention is drawn to the direct relationship between the quality of the work and the deadline for putting the objects into operation. It is noted that widespread savings on salaries do not allow to attract qualified personnel to the construction site, have a negative impact on quality and increase the time frame for implementation of design solutions. In accordance with the principles of lean manufacturing, it was proposed to increase the economic efficiency of construction organization activities by improving quality, productivity and implementation of construction work integrated mechanization. It is noted that in case of use of a borrowed bank the reduction of the implementation time of design solutions has the greatest impact on positive financial results of a construction company activities and promotes compliance with the estimate, planned and actual production costs, which is important for a construction company planning activities. It is suggested that increased consumer demand for quality products will allow the construction organization to use price control as an additional effective tool for increasing company profitability.
Russian Journal of Housing Research. 2023;10(4):499-515
pages 499-515 views