卷 25, 编号 4 (2023)


Psycho-pedagogical assistance of digitalization in inclusive ed-ucation: person-centered approach

Akhmetova D., Timiryasova A., Morozova I.


Nowadays in the scientific and educational community there is an increasing interest in exploring the opportunities of using digital technologies in inclusive education. The authors of the article reveal the relevance of this research area, based on current trends in the development of education, analysis of disability trends among children and adults in Russia. The authors clarified the following concepts: «digital technology», «digital innovation», «e-inclusion». The researches devoted to using digital technologies in correctional and developmental activities and inclusive education are analyzed; among them – virtual reality technologies, digital storytelling technologies, an immersive virtual simulator, developing software and didactic complexes. To identify the difficulties that teachers and students experience when using digital technologies in inclusive education, the authors conducted an experimental study. Teachers from 226 preschool educational organizations, 361 primary and secondary schools and 47 professional educational organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan participated in study. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that it is necessary to implement a personalized approach to the psychological and pedagogical support of the digitalization of inclusive education. This approach, in the author's understanding, implies the implementation of an individual psychological strategy in education, which involves the use of teaching technologies, taking into account the psychological characteristics of students, their intellectual and physical potential, and the situational psycho-emotional state. The article also reveals the positive and negative effects of digitalization of inclusive education, the problem of Internet security in the digital environment.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(4):5-15
pages 5-15 views

Formation of self-control in physical training

Vasiliev A., Morozova A., Morozov V.


The article discusses the concept of self-control and its role in physical education for students. The authors indicate that without the ability to competently monitor their well-being and physical condition, it will be quite difficult for a student to develop their physical qualities, even if they study under the strict guidance of a teacher. In this article, the authors suggest that the purpose of self-control in physical education is for the student to learn to independently analyze his state of health, gain the ability to determine at what moments he is able to continue the lesson, and at what moments he should finish, since without ability to overcome oneself becomes impossible to achieve a good result. The authors also identify a number of tasks of self-control. One of the effective options for controlling one's condition is a self-control diary, the approximate content of which the authors offer in this article. In this article, the authors consider options for worsening the state of the body, as well as various pain sensations, in which students are advised to reduce physical activity or even refrain from physical education for a while. The article concludes that the formation of self-control among students is an effective means not only for the development of physical qualities, but also for the prevention of various kinds of injuries and the prevention of diseases, as well as the education of such moral qualities as discipline and responsibility.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(4):16-21
pages 16-21 views

Formation of environmental safety in professional training of future teachers in the study of disciplines the natural science cycle

Ghukasyan O., Lizunova E., Makarova E., Chekanushkina E.


The problem of environmental safety can now be attributed to the most pressing educational problems, since the professional activity of a person is closely related to economic activity. In this regard, there is a lack of attention of specialists to the ecological situation of the environment, its safety. The problems of environmental safety have always existed, however, it is in the modern world that they have become the focus of attention of the world community, because. the existing threat to the security of mankind is associated with its thoughtless attitude to environmental problems, to its own security. The article discusses the topical issues of the formation of environmental safety in the professional training of future teachers in the study of disciplines of the natural science cycle. The authors have identified the key aspects of this problem and proposed effective methods and forms of education that allow future teachers to form a deep understanding of environmental problems and competencies in the field of environmental safety. The article also discusses the possibilities of using the author's program «Fundamentals of Ecological Safety» to solve this problem. The results of the study can be useful for teachers of higher education and secondary schools involved in the professional training of future teachers.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(4):22-27
pages 22-27 views

Managing the educational process using Web 2.0 services (using the example of Lyceum №1 «Sputnik»)

Eremkin R., Avetisyan V., Semenov A.


In the context of the development of human civilization, digital technologies are increasingly entering our lives. Education as a social institution largely determines the ways of development of society. In this regard, educational organizations need to constantly improve the communication system for more effective functioning and development, as well as use modern means of communication. The introduction of information technologies into the management process significantly increases the efficiency of communication processes in the organization and contributes to the effective solution of management tasks. In this article, on the basis of a single educational institution, the possibilities of using Web 2.0 services in the implementation of the management of the educational process are considered. The authors come to the conclusion that Web 2.0 services and its constituent information and communication educational platform "Sferum", cloud storage "Yandex.Disk", services for teamwork with documents "Yandex.Documents" and online surveys "Yandex.Forms”, a service for creating and editing Mindomo mind maps can be used as one of the ways to digitalize the management process in an educational organization. To determine the degree of need for the proposed resources, work was carried out with the teaching staff (questionnaires, observation, conversations, testing).

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(4):28-33
pages 28-33 views

Professional teacher training in the context of digitalization of education

Ermakova J., Nosova T.


The article deals with the actual problem of preparing students for professional pedagogical activity in the conditions of modern challenges. The article analyzes the current trends in the introduction of digital technologies in the educational process of natural science education. The idea of introducing digital technologies, technical means of teaching as auxiliary tools for the professional training of a natural science teacher is considered, in connection with an urgent problem that is the search for methodological techniques increasing the motivation of students as future teachers of environmental activities, within the development of their ecological culture. The possibility of integrating traditional pedagogical and information technologies in order to form a new information environment necessary for the normal functioning of the Federal State Educational System is considered. A factual example shows the significant impact of augmented reality on the quality of biological education. At the same time, attention is focused on the necessity of activating the cognitive process in the training of future teachers, which is based on the students’ motivation level increasing, developing interest in practical pedagogical, research activities in the learning process, which contributes to the formation of appropriate competencies. The issues of improving the training of students studying in pedagogical specialties on the basis of the development of technological and methodological competence of students – future biology teachers of a modern school are revealed. At the same time, it is noted that students have insufficiently formed the basic values that should be inherent in a pedagogical employee admitted to the process of forming a holistic worldview in a child. The article analyzes the didactic possibilities of the digital educational environment in the educational process in biology, the advantages and disadvantages of mobile learning in the system of modern biological education. Based on the improvement of the methodological system of the organization of individual and group project activities in teaching biology, the focus of modern education on providing the most favorable conditions for students in order to master the knowledge of the discipline and improve the quality of the educational process is considered.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(4):34-44
pages 34-44 views

Experience of using digital didactics in the education-al space of a medical university

Ivanova S., Menzul E., Vasilevskaya E.


The article describes the experience of using digital didactics in the educational process of Samara State Medical University. The authors reveal the concept of «learning tools», considering them as means of managing the educational process. The degree of study of the issue of digitalization and learning tools in the digital educational space is revealed. At the same time, the authors note that the identified issues are sufficiently developed, but there are gaps in the projection of the allocated training funds on the educational processes of universities, taking into account their specifics. Based on the principles of learning revealed within the framework of personality-oriented, personality-developing, personalized learning technologies, as well as focusing on the conclusions drawn within the framework of the anthropological approach, the authors prove the feasibility of using simulation technologies and educational tracks in the educational process of a medical university as digital learning tools. A brief, but rather deep retrospective analysis of the work on the topic of simulation technologies is given by the authors in the section «background». As a result, concluding that there are a number of unresolved problems related to the integrity and consistency of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the costs in the formation of competencies. The main part of the article describes the experience of using simulation technologies in the educational process of the university, as well as to assess the level of conflict between future doctors and current nurses. The reasonableness of the conclusions is given by the positive results of the study conducted by the authors on the diagnosis of anticipatory abilities, empathic skills, and the motivational sphere. The authors also note the versatility of the VR simulator and describe the practice of its use at the Samara Medical University to determine the personality characteristics of future managers (personnel reserve) in order to assist them in the future in correcting existing behaviors, not corresponding to the role of the head. The authors also note the expediency of using educational tracks in teaching as a means to develop systemic thinking and ensure the integrity of knowledge in future doctors.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(4):45-51
pages 45-51 views

Bioecological research projects of schoolchildren (methodological training of students during pedagogical practice)

Ilyina V., Avetisyan N., Atanova K., Kozlovskaya O., Rogova N.


The methodology and content of the project activities of students in biology is relevant in a modern school and should be applied in educational activities. Project activities have a fruitful effect on the personality of students, include them in social and research work. This work provides for the implementation of a system of sequential actions, makes it possible to express one's opinion and realize individual goals and objectives, to realize ideas, forms competencies aimed at searching and analyzing information, collecting data, observing and experimenting, helps develop communication skills and contribute to the product by group or individual work. Also, students most often acquire competence in the use of ICT. Each student acts simultaneously as an organizer, executor, expert of activity. Since the biology curriculum includes knowledge from many academic disciplines, the project activity clearly implements interdisciplinary connections. The knowledge acquired by students in the course of project activities is more solid.

The analysis of work on project activities shows that students increase the level of formation of key competencies (problem setting, goal setting, planning and evaluation of the result, search and processing of information, written communication, oral presentation, group work), which is recommended in the Federal State Educational Standard.

Based on the data of various events for students in the Samara region, an analysis of the topics, content and quality of projects in biology and ecology was carried out, the main shortcomings were identified, and recommendations were given for their elimination. Developed, implemented and presented as examples of projects in grades 5-9 on the general topic «Medicinal plants». The proposed study is of practical importance, since the materials and conclusions can be used in the organization of educational and scientific and educational work of schoolchildren in the process of bioecological education and methodological training of students in the course of industrial pedagogical practices on the basis of Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(4):52-57
pages 52-57 views

Case-method in training bachelor direction "Pedagogical education", profile "Mathematics and computer science" (on the basis of the use of digital resource «Mathematical models in the economy»)

Kolomina M., Smirnova M., Favorskaya E., Gubareva A.


The relevance of the study is due to the lack of digital resources in various disciplines, with the help of which it is possible to form the research skills of future bachelors and the lack of methodologies for implementing the case method to form these skills using digital resources. The article proposes a methodology for the formation of research skills of bachelors in the area of «Pedagogical education, profile Mathematics and Computer Science» based on the case method using the developed digital resource «Mathematical Models in Economics». The general approach to designing cases for conducting a laboratory workshop on the discipline «Аpplication software» is considered. A system of cases for the study of economic models has been developed, options for using the software package in organizing individual, pair and group research activities, and evaluation criteria have been proposed. When organizing pair and group work, networking is used: cloud services and videoconferencing. The proposed methodology and the developed didactic support of the educational process make it possible to more effectively, in comparison with traditional teaching, form the research skills of students.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(4):58-64
pages 58-64 views

Digital technologies as a tool for the development of professionally significant values of a future teacher-philologist

Kudreiko I., Skafa E.


Digitalization of higher education involves the restructuring of all its components, including the preparation of future teachers. During the shaping of vocational competence in future philology teachers, it is of particular importance to develop digital competence, which becomes a personal value under the conditions of forming professionally significant values. The quality of mastering this competence by aspiring teachers influence the success of their pedagogical activity. The article addresses the experience of developing digital competence in students of the philological faculty of Donetsk State University, basing on the analysis of digital technologies and tools. A system covering three areas of educational activity is presented: formation of students' skills and abilities to work with industry-specific software; mastering innovative technologies based on means of computer systems for their use in teaching; mastering the basics of project activity for the purpose of managing educational projects at school. The characteristics of each area are given. Moreover, there is an indication of the knowledge and skills that Bachelors of Philology gain in the process of learning basic and variable disciplines containing modules related to the digital presentation of the material.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(4):65-75
pages 65-75 views

Information technologies in preparation students of technical higher education institutions to engineering activities for the creation of science-intensive technical objects

Mikhelkevich V., Ovchinnikova L.


The article presents the scientific results of the research carried out by the authors on the problem of teaching students of technical universities to create/develop intellectual property objects. Objects of intellectual property, unlike other types of property, have an intangible basis, are created on the basis of the latest knowledge of world science and technology. The main resource for creating objects/products of intellectual property are engineering and reengineering developments of scientists, engineering specialists and inventors to create science-intensive and high-tech technical, including transport objects of new generations, competitive on the world market and recognized as official state patents by departments in the aggregate of their distinctive properties from analogues and prototypes by objects of intellectual property. According to the Patent Law of the Russian Federation, objects of intellectual property are: objects of copyright, typology of integrated circuits, objects of industrial property and know-how. In turn, the industrial property cluster includes: technology patents, inventions, devices, utility model patents, industrial design patents, trademark certificates, computer programs and computer databases. It is extremely important that intellectual property as a commodity has its own value in the market of intellectual services and is an object of intangible assets of an enterprise/company. Authors-developers and enterprises/firms/corporations and the state as a whole are interested in creating intellectual property objects, since it makes a large contribution to the gross domestic product. Since it is impossible to teach how to create objects of intellectual property in a short time, the process of forming such a specialist must begin at the stage of professional training at a university.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(4):76-82
pages 76-82 views

Organizational and pedagogical conditions for distance learning for students with special educational needs

Muller O., Rotova N.


Relevance of the study: at present, technical means and information technologies are intensively developing in Russia and in the world, which can significantly expand the possibilities of inclusive education through the introduction of distance learning technologies. The article highlights the possibilities of distance learning for the implementation of the educational process of students with special educational needs. The analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the use of distance learning for the implementation of a differentiated approach, taking into account the individual characteristics of students, was carried out. The purpose of the study is a theoretical substantiation of the organizational and pedagogical conditions for distance learning of students with special educational needs. The methodological basis of the study is the ideas of a system-activity approach and competence-based approaches; general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization, as well as conducting a survey as an empirical research method. Research results. The theoretical significance of the article is as follows: the features that characterize the concept of organizational and pedagogical conditions for distance learning of students with special educational needs are highlighted; the features of distance learning for students with special educational needs are disclosed, the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning for students with special educational needs are revealed; a theoretical substantiation of the organizational and pedagogical conditions of distance learning for students with special educational needs is presented. The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that the conclusions and provisions presented in it reveal ways of organizing distance learning for students with special educational needs, meaningful aspects of preparing university teachers to manage the process of distance learning for students with special educational needs. The research materials can be relevant in the educational and extracurricular work of university teachers.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(4):83-89
pages 83-89 views

Formation of professional-oriented transitivity among technical university students with the help of pedagogical technology of workshops

Myakinkova S., Timoshchuk N.


Social and economic relations at the present stage are undergoing deep changes associated with the active formation of the information society and the digital economy. Within the framework of one professional field, this is manifested in the fact that many labor functions are automated, new professions come to replace outdated professions that require a specialist to update and update professional knowledge and skills. In many ways, professional employment becomes discrete in the framework of the implementation of a limited-time project. A competitive specialist in such conditions should be able not only to constantly study, but also to be able to integrate into a new team, taking into account the personal and cultural differences of the participants. The article considers the issues of changing the educational process in higher educational institutions in terms of compliance with the needs of society and an individual. The authors paid attention to the important personal quality that ensures the competitiveness of the specialist - professional-oriented transitivity. It is indicated that the manufacturability of the construction of the pedagogical process will make it possible to modernize students' education with the lowest time and material costs. Competencies that will ensure the manifestation of the necessary personal qualities become diagnostic indicators of performance. Information and communication competence is determined by the integrative quality of the person that needs to be purposefully formed. Modular learning technology creates a conceptual framework for the educational process. The teaching technology of the second level on the basis of compliance with the selected criteria of biogenicity, psychogenicity and sociogenicity determines the technology of workshops. The results of analytical processing of empirical data collected during the experiment are presented, confirming the effectiveness of the use of the selected pedagogical technology and the technological construction of training in general for formation professional-oriented transitivity.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(4):90-98
pages 90-98 views

Structural and functional model for the formation of students' professional operation and service competences (by the example of a railway college)

Poddubny E., Ovchinnikova L.


The article discusses the results of scientific research on the development of a structural and functional model for the formation of a set of professional operational and service competencies among students of a railway technical school. A number of basic characteristics of models of pedagogical systems are considered, which are a condition for designing new models. Taking into account the methodological approaches and organizational and methodological conditions considered in the article, the authors developed a structural and functional model of the system for the formation of a set of professional operational and service competencies among students of the railway technical school, presented for clarity in the figure. The structure of this model contains nine interconnected, sequentially and successively implemented functional links. The initial backbone link of the model is the “goal-setting” link, which clearly defines the goal of the system functioning: to form a set of professional operational and service competencies in students. The final functional link of the model is the “positive result” link, which reflects the professional operational and service competencies formed at a high and advanced level. If a negative result is found during the control procedure, then the functional links of negative feedback are included in the system - the link of individual self-correction and the link of correction of the educational process. The article discusses and argues the practical and theoretical significance and value of the developed structural and functional model of the system for the formation of a set of professional operational and service competencies among students. First of all, the high significance and value of the structural-functional model of the system for the formation of a set of professional operational and service competencies among students is noted, which consists in its productive use as a didactic algorithm for the consistent and successive implementation/development of all individual time stages/links of the model. It is shown that for developers, the use of the created structural-functional model of the system for the formation of a set of professional operational and service competencies among students is very important and valuable, that its visual graphical representation indirectly provides the perception of a complex multi-link process as an integral/holistic system.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(4):99-107
pages 99-107 views


National experience in the formation of the digital educational environment in 1980-1990

Avetisyan V.


The domestic educational system is constantly undergoing various changes and innovations. In the context of the transition from an industrial to a post-industrial society, the issues of digitalization (informatization) of the educational process are becoming increasingly relevant. In this article, based on a historical retrospective, the problem of the formation of the information educational environment over the course of two decades is considered. This approach will allow us to identify not only the features of the development of informatization of education in the specified period, but also compare them. The materials presented in the article also characterize the main stages of the "information revolutions" that took place in the history of mankind. Each subsequent "revolution" simplified the preservation and transmission of information not only from person to person, but also from generation to generation. The role of these revolutions in the formation and development of digital education is also explained. Due to the fact that for the first time digital technologies began to be used in the education system of foreign countries, the article provides a brief description of foreign experience in the implementation of this issue. The materials presented in the article will be useful not only for historians, teachers, but also for a wide range of people studying the issues of digitalization of the educational system.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(4):108-113
pages 108-113 views

Sound – music – culture: space-time reflection

Voronina N.


The article presents reflections on the metaphysics of music, first of all, by posing the eternal question, which is difficult to answer: "What is music?"; Why is it, along with literature, painting, religious creativity, always at the boundary of acute socio-cultural discussions, becoming a stumbling block in endless disputes about the meaning of being? In this series, the definitions of music are clearly read by thinkers and musicians. The methodology of the “sphere of sound-music” concept is essentially as universal as the sphere of culture and religion; that is why scientists and theosophists of antiquity and the Middle Ages often used music as a phenomenon to explain the world order and the complex mechanisms of the human soul. Music in all its aspects, therefore, has already been recognized for many centuries as something exceptionally suitable for building models that help to understand areas no less material than itself. The author comes to the conclusion that in people gifted with exceptional creative impulsiveness, inquisitiveness, volitional struggle means one of the important properties of his work. Pulsating feelings and thought of the creator, passion, emotionality, volitional aspirations give rise to a certain style of musical thinking, individual in its manifestations, but based on the main spiritual and creative foundations of the time. Not an individual, but rather a confessional, intimate-personal aspect of the confessional expresses a special symbolic dominant of culture and is especially clearly manifested in music.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(4):114-120
pages 114-120 views

Youth in the focus of information and psychological war

Teslenko A., Kolyvanova L., Dudina E., Glubokova M.


The article deals with the phenomenon of the impact of information-psychological warfare on youth consciousness. In the article, the socio-political category «information-psychological war» is considered as a psychological impact on the civilian population, primarily on the younger generation, with the aim of demoralizing it and reformatting it with media. The Internet has made it possible to most fully synthesize modern psychotechnologies with information technologies, thereby effectively influencing the unconscious behavior of a person. In the article, the principles of modern information-psychological warfare, technologies of ideological, information-psychological and cultural influence on the younger generation are analyzed. The main directions of Westernization as a cultural expansion of the Western world by means of modern Internet technologies are indicated. The mechanisms of reformatting the consciousness of young people by means of network-centric technologies with manipulative and fake content are conclusively described.

The article was prepared on the material of the scientific research AR 14869235 «Youth work as a condition for the successful socialization of young students», within the framework of the state grant funding of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Izvestiya of the Samara Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center. Social, humanitarian, medicobiological sciences. 2023;25(4):121-129
pages 121-129 views