
Threats to food security in the Russian Federation under a new wave of sanctions tensions
Lyasnikov N., Anishchenko A., Romanova Y.
Current state of food security in the Russian Federation
Kosymin A., Kuznetsova O., Kuznetsov V., Kuznetsova S.
Multifactor sustainability of dairy subcomplex development in the region amidst economic sanctions
Shumeyko N., Belokopytov A.
Food security as an element of state's national security
Stolyarova A., Shamray-Kurbatova L., Darelina O., Chumakova E.
Trends in the development of aquaculture in Russia: prospects for qualitative improvement of food security and sustainable growth of the industry's economic potential
Kolonchin K., Truba M., Kuzicheva N.
Mechanisms for regional agro-industrial integration in the country's food security system
Tumenova S.
Grain and legume crop production in the Siberian Federal District in the context of food security
Bykova V.
Impact of global warming on the agro-industrial complex
Idrisov R.
Russia's food independence: current state, security risks and promising trends
Zakshevskiy V., Bogomolova I., Vasilenko I., Shaykin D.
Problems and prospects for ensuring food security amidst sanctions restrictions
Ilyashenko S., Stolyarova A.
The world food crisis in the current geopolitical situation
Anishchenko A., Usmanov D.
Substantiation of the need to develop a concept of technological development of the Russian agro-food complex amidst global challenges
Osovin M.
Business models of wholesale food markets in the context of national food security strategies
Matraeva L., Vasyutina E., Maloletko A.
1 - 13 de 13 resultados
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