The Problem of Inappropriate Use of Budget Funds in the Compulsory Health Insurance System

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The purpose of this article is to analyze the use of budgetary funds allocated to the health care system. In particular, targeted and inappropriate use of budget funds in the compulsory health insurance system. The article discusses issues regarding the concept of «misuse of funds» in modern conditions and the corresponding sanctions, the consequences of inappropriate use of budgetary funds in the compulsory health insurance system are considered, as well as some of the possible countermeasures to this phenomenon. This article is an attempt to consider the current problematic aspects of the misuse of funds in the Russian health care system, analyze the reasons for the need to improve the financing of the compulsory health insurance system. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that, despite the legislative consolidation of this area, for the implementation of various kinds of reforms in the field of health care and the results obtained, the issue of legal regulation of the misuse of funds continues to be a very acute and urgent problem, the level of the state budget for compulsory health insurance programs. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to carry out continuous monitoring of the subjects participating in the considered field of activity, as well as other legal measures aimed at increasing the targeted and effective use of compulsory health insurance funds.

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About the authors

Albert V. Pavlyuk

MGIMO - University

Cand. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor, Associate professor of the Department of public administration and law Moscow, Russian Federation

Telman E. Martirosian

Moscow Bar Association «FORTIS», Moscow Chamber of Attorneys; MGIMO - University

Attorney-at-Law Moscow, Russian Federation


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