Integration of digital technologies into preliminary investigations: problems, forecasts

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The use of information technology makes it possible to achieve significant results in the life of a modern person, provides new opportunities. The effectiveness of their application largely depends on the readiness of the implemented sphere, including in terms of the legal regulation of these processes. The Russian state is also actively involved in the digitalization of many spheres of society. However, the introduction of new technologies is not of the same scale in all directions. So, at present, it is envisaged to carry out certain actions within the framework of criminal proceedings using information and digital technologies. Despite the fact that the preliminary investigation is quite often considered in the context of the need to preserve the traditional forms of its implementation, at present it is highly relevant to improve the investigative practice taking into account the achievements of science and technology. The purpose of writing a research paper is to analyze the current state of integration of digital technologies into preliminary investigation, to identify problems of their application and determination of the prospects for their further use. The author comes to the conclusion that information and digital technologies allow many investigative actions to be carried out at a qualitatively new level, which is required in the context of the dynamic development of modern crime. Attention is focused on the fragmentation of the current state of the integration of digital technologies into the preliminary investigation, which is associated with a number of existing problems that require an early resolution. It is noted that the further use of these technologies is very promising; blockchain and Bigdata technologies are singled out as the most relevant for implementation in investigative practice.

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About the authors

Zaurbi L. Shkhagapsoyev

North-Caucasian Advanced Training Institute (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Dr. Sci. (Law), Prof., the Head of the Institute Nalchik, Russian Federation


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