Legal responsibility of a scientist for the implementation of the results of his scientific activities in the field of human reproductive cloning in the BRICS countries

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Based on legal material of the BRICS countries the article provides scientific understanding and analysis of legal responsibility of a scientist for the implementation of the results of his scientific activities in the field of human reproductive cloning. The interest is caused by the impact on legal and medical science, as well as on the views of both ordinary people and specialists (lawyers, doctors, sociologists, etc.), provided by new technologies that currently allow to perform things that previously could not even be imagined otherwise than in science fiction stories, films, etc. Thus, various legal scenarios of the existing legal regulation with an emphasis on liability (criminal, etc.) in the context of legal provisions and provisions of a regulatory nature on the part of bodies of the international community (the UNESCO international Committee on bioethics, etc.) are studied. Scientific novelty is due, first, to the choice of the BRICS countries, second, the subject of the study - legal responsibility for the implementation of the results of scientific activity of a scientist in the field of human reproductive cloning, and third, to the analysis of a selected range of issues in an interdisciplinary aspect - from the perspective of law, medicine, and ethics. Among the conclusions made by the author is the opinion that the approaches of the national laws of the BRICS countries are influenced by the bodies of the international community and their opinions, which are in favor of banning cloning, due to various reasons - from the imperfection of existing technologies to ethical and socio-legal aspects. Among them is the temptation of such abuse as an instrumental approach to the clone that violates national regulations and provisions of international acts (for example, the right to life, etc.).

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About the authors

Ksenia M. Belikova

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

Dr. Sci. (Law), Professor, Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Proceedings and International Private Law, Law Institute of Law. Moscow, Russian Federation


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