Legal category «treatment of citizens» and mechanisms for implementing the procedure appeals of citizens of the Russian Federation

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The purpose of this study was to consider the mechanism for the implementation of the constitutional right of citizens to apply to government bodies. The objectives of the research are to analyze the normative legal definition of the concept of «appeal», where they substantiated their proposal for this definition. Thus, citizens' appeals are individual and collective proposals, statements, complaints, petitions or petitions sent to state and local self-government bodies in oral or written form. At the same time, they determined the existence of two types of legal norms - material and procedural, which constitute the structure of most legal institutions, including the institution of citizens' appeal. Conclusions: the characteristic features of the institution of appeals allows us to speak not only about its material elements, but also makes it possible to single out a number of procedural components. So, in relation to state bodies, it can be noted that the procedures determine the stages, goals, sequence and time frame, specific actions at each stage, the grounds for the commission and the relationship of these actions, the ways of their registration and fixation. Hence, it becomes obvious that the procedure must have an internal procedural structure, a special procedural status of the participants, and must also be provided with evidence, types of procedural decisions and procedural sanctions. At the same time, one should understand the complex structure of the institution of citizens 'appeals to government bodies, which is provided by a system of material and procedural elements and constitutes the mechanism of functioning of the institute of citizens' appeals.

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About the authors

Andemirkan B. Abazov

North Caucasus Institute of advanced training (branch) Krasnodar University of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia

Cand. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Affairs in Special Conditions, Police Colonel Nalchik, Russian Federation


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