Overview of e-commerce legislation in the ASEAN

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The article provides an overview of the main legal acts of the ASEAN member states that establish the legal basis for the implementation of electronic commerce. The authors pay attention to the desire bringing national legislation in this area to uniform standards. The aim of this process is to simplify the procedures for execution and performance electronic transactions. Applying a comparative approach, the authors share their observations on the identification of general patterns of the legal regulation in the ASEAN. The importance of the ASEAN joint efforts for the development of electronic commerce in the region was shown in the research, in particular, ASEAN Work Program on Electronic Commerce for 2017-2025 was passed, events and forums such as eCommerce Expo Asia are held. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the identify general patterns in the development of electronic commerce in the ASEAN. The conclusions show that e-commerce development process in the ASEAN is inevitable. It’s expected that the legislation of the ASEAN will continue to uniform standards, the role of the by-law will be more significant.

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About the authors

Trung Kien Luong

Federal State Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Learning «Volgograd Academy of the Internal Affairs Ministry of the Russian Federation»

Email: luongtrungkien0107@gmail.com
adjunct of the Department of Criminal Procedure Russian Federation

Mariia V. Ivanichkina

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

Email: masha.ivanichkina@yandex.ru
graduate student of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure and International Private Law Moscow, Russian Federation


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