Legal status of the subjects of the contract for the refundable provision of educational services

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The main purpose of this work is to determine the legal status of entities that are parties and stakeholders of the contract for the provision of paid educational services. The necessity of defining the conceptual features of the subject composition of an educational service agreement as an object of civil rights has been proved. In this regard, the features of the agreement on the provision of educational services have been determined, which form the specific features of the legal status of its subjects. Considered the classification of contracts for the provision of educational services, based on the subject composition and the nature of the subjects' performance of their duties; the parties to the contract were identified and the available approaches to their definition were analyzed. It has been established that the greatest variation in definitions takes place in relation to the recipient of a paid educational service, while the performer is still mainly characterized as a seller of this service. The typology of the obligations of the subjects of the contract for the provision of paid educational services has been carried out. Problematic and controversial issues in the context of the direction of research are investigated. The differences between the contracts for the provision of educational services of a paid and gratuitous nature from the standpoint of their influence on the functional obligations of the parties to the contract are revealed. It has been determined that the parties to an agreement on the provision of educational services on a reimbursable basis have legal equality, which is manifested in the fact that they hold the same legal positions and neither party is endowed with a relatively different power functions. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the main obligations of the contractor are implemented in the amount of additional obligations, which, together with the main one, form a mixed obligation. It is proposed to divide the obligations of the consumer of educational services from the civil law position into basic and additional ones.

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About the authors

Tatiana V. Shtepa

Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

graduate student Russian Federation


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