Public risk of crime in real estate

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This article presents the results of a study of the public danger of crimes committed in the real estate sector. The analysis of the nature and degree of public danger of these crimes is carried out, various approaches of a number of authors to the definition of public danger in the doctrine of criminal law are studied. The research shows that the issue of determining public danger is complex and debatable, requiring doctrinal analysis. The criteria of insignificance of the act, taking into account the public danger, are considered. The article substantiates the need to develop effective criminal and criminological measures to prevent crimes in the real estate sector. The purpose of this work is to study the exponents of the public danger of crimes in the field of real estate, to identify the criteria for distinguishing criminal and illegal acts in the field of real estate. In the course of this work, it is proved that real estate is a multi-faceted object of criminal legal protection and crimes committed in the field of real estate have a high degree of public danger. In result of the conducted research the author comes to the conclusion that currently the most important task is improvement of legislation in the field of real estate, including criminal, because, as adequate measures of criminal-legal and criminological influence providing effective prevention of crimes in the sphere of real estate will work to implement fully the positive criminal law trends in real estate that is possible thanks, in particular, the study of offender because without the establishment of the individual characteristics of the particular person who is the subject of the crime is impossible to fully perform a causal complex crime and to develop effective preventive measures that contribute to the prevention of crimes.

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About the authors

Inessa V. Petrova

Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Kurgan

adjunct of criminal policy; Head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Kurgan


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