Aspects of state participating in bank rehabilitation procedures in Russia and the USA

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Objective: on the basis of a comparative legal analysis of legislation and legal doctrine establish the legal nature of of state participation in bank rehabilitation procedures in Russia and the USA. The author's conclusions stemming from the contributions of such domestic and foreign scientists as Tarasenko O.E., Yulova E.S., Naumova E.V., Randell C., R.R. Bliss, G.G. Kaufman. Conclusions: a significant similarity in the mechanism of state participation in the implementation of bank reorganization was found. It is also formulated that the administrative legal nature of the institution in question in both legal systems is due to the special goals and objectives of state intervention. Practical value: this study can serve as the basis for a deeper study of the nature of state participation in bank reorganization procedures in Russia and the United States and the purpose of the existence of such an institution in its current form. Originality / value: this is the first article studying the legal nature of state participation in bank reorganization procedures in Russia and the USA.

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About the authors

Roman R. Kobenia

Kutafin Moscow State Law University

Postgraduate student of the Department of Business and Corporate Law Moscow, Russian Federation


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