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The article is devoted to the problem of disclosure of information by the subjects of the electricity market within the framework of administrative responsibility. To date, various features of the regulation of social relations in the electricity sector are the subject of theoretical research. It should be noted that the topic of administrative responsibility for violation of information disclosure standards by the subjects of the wholesale electricity and capacity market, retail electricity markets, is devoted to an extremely small number of works. For this reason, the article discusses the features of administrative responsibility under article 9.15 of the administrative Code. The objective side of the considered administrative offense defines the key problems expressed in violation by the subjects of the electricity supply markets of the statutory requirements for the presentation of various materials in both print and electronic media, as well as in violation of their requirements for the provision of information on request. In article subjects of the market of electric energy according to the legislative status in modern Russia are defined. Specific examples of judicial practice concerning the standards of information disclosure in the field under study are given. The group of object relations in the field of electric power industry is an integral part of the relations included in the spheres of activity of subjects of natural monopolies and protection of competition. The analysis will provide an opportunity for further development of theoretically sound conclusions and expand the theoretical basis for further research. In addition, the practical significance of the article is due to the possibility of applying the results of her research in law enforcement and in the educational process to improve the system of counteraction to violations of the standards of information disclosure by subjects of the wholesale market of electric energy and capacity, the retail markets of electric energy.

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About the authors

Lolita M. Saydulaeva

Moscow Metropolitan Governance University

specialist of the Project of Urban Governance

Maksim Yu. Shamrin

Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

PhD in law, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure.


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