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The article is devoted to administrative agreements by types, types and forms. Historical background analysis on the issue said the poor knowledge of the topic under modern legal transformation in Russia. At the same time, the classification features of administrative contracts in the dynamics of changing legislation is one of the key points of the Institute of administrative law. The article defines and analyzes administrative agreements of the following types: horizontal and vertical; normative and non-normative; agreements having a mixed legal nature, contracts for the passage of state and municipal service. Also, the author has given a detailed description of such administrative agreements as: agreements between entities with authority; agreements on the definition of boundaries and transfer of territories between the subjects of the Federation or between municipalities; administrative agreements on the procedure for the performance by a citizen of his public duties; administrative agreement on the procedure for the performance by the state of its public duties; agreement on reconciliation of the parties in the framework of administrative proceedings. The author analyzes the historical and legal features of the agreement on competence as an agreement of subjects of administrative legal relations with power, on the separation of subjects of jurisdiction and powers not regulated in a regulatory manner. In the article the main problem of the implementation of administrative contracts in the practice of administrative regulation is characterized by a weak study of the theoretical and practical level of regulatory support. The analysis will provide an opportunity for further development of theoretically sound conclusions and expand the theoretical basis for further research. The practical significance of the study, namely the justification and unification of a single classification of administrative contracts, is due to the possibility of applying the results in law enforcement practice and in the educational process.

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About the authors

Timofei S. Krasilnikov

Moscow State Legal University named after O.E. Kutafina (MGYUA)

Email: lbkrasilnikova@msal.ru
Senior Lecturer, Department of History state and law


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