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Speaking about rapid growth of digitalization, one of the key problems in adaptation to new realities is the necessity to transform approaches to develop intellectual capital based on the implemented valuation methods and models. The following tasks are set and worked out in the article: 1) structural units as object modeling, systematic description of the object, the purpose of modeling and the principles of modeling using PF were identified; 2) conditions for the application of production functions theory for a digital enterprise are determined; 3) application of the production functions theory for modeling the activities of digital enterprise is justified; 4) decision-making model for the development of the intellectual capital of digital enterprise from the perspective of modeling a production function is developed. Materials and methods. Materials of research on the Russian Foundation for Basic Research’s grant No. 19-010-00698 on the topic: «Development of the theory of intellectual capital and methods for assessing it in the context of economics of digitalization» were used in the article. When modeling specific production function, econometric modeling approach was used. To implement the scenario approach, the method of expert assessments is used. Results. Enterprises need to identify the methods and forms of personnel management that will determine the motivation of employees according to new market requirements. There was developed new approach of modeling the distribution of investments between intellectual capital and the field of R&D. And model for the formation of optimal strategy for the intellectual capital’s effective management of digital enterprise is proposed. As a result direct recommendations for the strategic management of the enterprise are developed. Conclusions. The priority area for a digital enterprise to increase efficiency is not only the growth of investments in research and development, but also the improvement of the quality of the intellectual capital structure. Skills development, increasing employees’ motivation are the best strategy in management decisions in digital enterprise.

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Sobre autores

Niyaz Abdikeev

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Director of the Institute for Industrial Policy and Institutional Development, Prof., Dr. Sci. (Engineering) Moscow, Russian Federation

Natalia Grineva

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Moscow, Russian Federation


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