Goodwill in Relation to Objects of Design Creativity: Legal and Financial Aspects

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The article reveals the main provisions affecting the concept of «goodwill» in modern international law, along with the issues of business reputation of a legal entity and its implementation in the objects of design creativity in the context of innovative development of modern companies. The basic principles of the formation of goodwill, its role in modern business, development trends are studied, taking into account the close relationship between goodwill and intellectual property law, namely, in the format of the identity of a part of goodwill with objects of design creativity. The author considers the possibility of determining a part of the value of goodwill when considering the intangible assets of the company within the brand due to the expressed objects of design creativity in their modern diversity, including virtual objects that do not have a material form.

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About the authors

Samira A. Dzhendubaeva

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

postgraduate student Moscow, Russian Federation

Ekaterina A. Sviridova

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Cand. Sci. (Law), Assoc. Prof. Moscow, Russian Federation


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