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Volume 18, Nº 1 (2022)


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Ensuring the National Security of the Russian Federation: Theoretical and Legal Aspect

Bondarenko S., Shuisky V.


This article discusses the theoretical and legal aspect of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation. The globalization processes taking place in the modern world are accompanied by the growth of contradictions in the international arena. In addition, today, there is instability in the socio-economic development of Russia, due to a number of both external and internal factors. All these factors are a threat to Russia’s national security. The threat level to Russia’s national security is quite high. This is evidenced by the events taking place in the world and in Russia in the last few years and months. Thus, new challenges to Russia’s national security require an adequate response of the state to them, which indicates the relevance of the topic of this article. Solving the problem of ensuring Russia’s national security requires its comprehensive study, which also actualizes this article. The purpose of writing this article is an attempt at a comprehensive theoretical and legal analysis of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation. The object of the study is the issues of national security of the Russian Federation in modern conditions. The subject of the study is the theoretical and scientific-methodological foundations of ensuring the national security of Russia. The methodological basis of the research is the methods of general theoretical analysis and logical synthesis. As a result of writing the article, the author concludes that Russia is subject to threats of both external and internal nature. The current stage of development of the Russian state is characterized by the intensification of these threats. The solution to the problem of ensuring the national security of Russia should be of a comprehensive nature, while relying on methods of a state-legal nature, provided that the state and civil society actively interact.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):16-19
pages 16-19 views

Project Approach to the Implementation of Perspective Ideas in Law

Sushkova I.


The article highlights some aspects of the implementation of the project approach in legal education. For educational purposes, a project (startup) should be understood as an independent, logically completed development in the field of jurisprudence, its partial or full implementation (implementation), which has theoretical and practical significance, a certain positive social effect. Among the forms of project implementation, the following can be distinguished: generalization of law enforcement practice, mainly of judicial practice; popularization of legal knowledge (public presentations), career guidance among young people; development of a draft law, an international treaty; making proposals for institutional transformations (development of a roadmap); drafting a model case (memorandum), based on a representative database of sources; development of rationalization proposals for the commercialization of legal services (business plans); development of scientific and practical consulting programs on topical legal issues, original methods, models for the provision and diversification of legal services.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):20-24
pages 20-24 views

Fixing of Legal Facts as a Way of Their Objectivation in Legal Validity

Rassolov V.


The article examines the question of the time of the beginning of the operation of a legal fact as a basis for the occurrence of legal consequences. This is objectively related to the problems of objectifying a legal fact as an integral part of legal reality. Such objectification is possible in various forms (registration, certification, etc.). Based on the analysis of certain aspects of the designated issue, the conclusion is formulated that in order to refer to any cases of external expression of legal facts in legal reality, the term «fixation» can be used, in the broad sense of its understanding.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):25-29
pages 25-29 views

International legal regulation of control over the securities market

Toria R., Hasanov N.


This article considers issues of international legal regulation of control over the securities market. The securities market is currently growing rapidly. At the same time, the issue of the most effective performance of financial control by the state is being updated. Since the securities market is of a clearly expressed international nature, it seems necessary to unite the countries represented by their supervisory bodies in order to improve financial control on the part of the state. The purpose of this work is to disclose the role of international bodies in regulating control over the securities market. The subject of this study is international standards and principles established by international organizations governing the securities market. The authors have disclosed the role of the main international organizations in the area of regulation of control over the securities market. Particular attention was paid to IOSCO, its principles and standards. This article also analyzed the statistics of the Bank of Russia and the IMF report on the assessment of the Russian financial sector. This work systematized information on various international organizations and their regulatory acts.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):30-35
pages 30-35 views

Legal Audit of Disputes

Kashirskaya L., Zurnadzhyants Y.


A task. The article is devoted to the development of the main components of conducting a legal audit of disputes as a tool for resolving and preventing disputes arising in companies, the subject of which is the presence of overdue accounts receivable or accounts payable, disagreement with the creditor's claims, violation of contractual rights and obligations, issues of civil law relations and corporate disputes, as well as the possibilities of the audit to prevent and resolve such situations. Model. The article presents the main elements of the methodology of conducting a legal audit of disputes, which contribute to the mediation, conciliation procedure aimed at the inadmissibility of the dispute, or, if there is one, to resolve the dispute and develop solutions to eliminate it. Conclusions. The direction studied in the article is an important basis in the audit of the company's activities due to the fact that most of the company's functioning processes depend on its reputation in the market, which is impossible in the presence of a large number of court disputes. It is the systematic conduct of a legal audit of disputes that will allow not only to obtain actual results, but also to develop measures to prevent conflict situations or disagreements and use them for preventive purposes. The measures proposed in the article will improve the procedure for conducting a legal audit of disputes and systematize the issues of using the verification methodology in this area. Practical significance. The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that the conclusions obtained and the proposed aspects of the methodology of legal audit of disputes are the basis for the development of preventive measures for negotiations in conflict situations with employees, for the elimination of corporate conflict and violation of the rights of the client, in cases of assessing the prospects for pre-trial settlement of the dispute and when searching in this area for optimal options for further actions of the company. Originality. Legal audit of disputes is an important area in the company's activities due to the fact that in the process of its implementation, not only an analysis of a dispute arising with the participation of the organization on the application of legal norms is carried out, but also what is most in demand and important is the development of options for resolving these disputes and analyzing the prospects for their resolution in favor of the company. At the same time, this area of audit has not been fully investigated and presented for practical application.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):36-44
pages 36-44 views

Problems of Using the Category «Civil Legal Capacity» in the Legal Definition of Labor Legal Personality of Employers-Individuals

Savin V.


The purpose of the article is to study the labor legal personality of employers-individuals, which is of great importance for legal science and law enforcement practice, which they must possess in order to become independent subjects of labor relations and other directly related relations, in connection with which it carefully analyzes the concept of the legal phenomenon under study, formulated in Part 7 of Article 20 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, formulated through the civil legal category-«civil legal capacity», a comparative legal analysis of labor and civil legal personality is carried out, the content of the actual ability of a citizen to work, characterized by two criteria (signs) is considered: volitional (mental state of a person) and physical (physiological state of a person), attention is paid to various scientific positions of labor scientists on this issue, which allowed the author to draw reasonable conclusions: firstly, for the participation of an individual in the quality.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):45-50
pages 45-50 views

Infocommunication Financial and Currency Instruments and Cybercrime

Bondar A., Kondratyev A.


In this scientific work, the authors cite common types of information and communication tools used by modern cybercrime to commit illegal tort. The work includes fairly convincing statistics on the state of crime that indicate the growing impact of cybercrime. The use of cryptocurrency as one of the most common infocommunication tools and means used in the commission of crimes and for their commission was emphasized fairly. In the current scientific article, the opinions of domestic scientists are fairly analyzed, in essence, the problems of the study. In the final part of the work, theoretical and applied conclusions and proposals are formed, the content of which, in their practical application, can become the basis for the implementation of high-quality work to reduce the crime risks of using infocommunication networks in general and their individual tools in particular.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):51-54
pages 51-54 views

On the Expansion of the Norms of Administrative Coercion in the Hebrew legislation (Based on the Analysis of the Book of Numbers of the Old Testament)

Ivanov D.


The article examines the normative prescriptions of the Book of Numbers of the Old Testament of the Mosaic Pentateuch, which expand the measures of administrative coercion previously recorded in the first three books, helping to consolidate the religious and legal order of governance of the ancient Israeli people. Unlike the books of Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus, in this text there is a significant development of measures related primarily to the process of dividing legislation into independent branches. The main coercive measures here are those aimed at maintaining the state system, the administrative management structure, but at the same time actively promote the unity and integrity of society, help develop the economy and spirituality. And what is especially important is that all this does not happen independently, but by the decision and will of the ruler-the Lord, who, trying to ensure his sovereignty and untouchability, thereby helps the ancient Israeli people who settled in.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):55-59
pages 55-59 views

About some Aspects of the Legal Regime of the Pledge of Exclusive Intellectual Property Rights

Sviridova E.


The article discusses the features of the legal regime of intellectual assets pledge in Russian and foreign legislation. Separate types of intellectual property collateral are analyzed. Based on the analysis of existing approaches in Russia and foreign countries to the legislative regulation of the pledge of exclusive rights, it is proposed to form a basic regime applicable to all intellectual assets based on general principles and methodological approaches. Within the framework of special legal norms, it is proposed to establish an obligation to use the result of intellectual activity, the rights to which have been pledged, in order to preserve its economic value. Taking into account the practice of the European Court of Justice, which recognizes the economic value of unregistered trademarks, it is concluded that it is possible to pledge exclusive right to an application for registration of a designation as a trademark.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):60-65
pages 60-65 views

Legal Regulation of Smart-Contract in the Russian Federation

Khanova Z., Abakarov A.


In accordance with the natural utopian switching to remoteness, but today we are drastically reducing, reducing the important and important factors associated with various continents. Digital detection society detection in seconds, the search path is a few keys. Be that as it may, the absence of legal mechanisms gives the right to abuse. To date, legislation shows that progress is ahead of the law. The inaccessibility of capturing some digital groups: smart contract, cryptocurrency, metauniverse, associated not only with the abuse of rights, but also with strong properties for the development of the economic sector of our country. The purpose work is a comprehensive analysis of smart conflicts and its legal justification.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):66-68
pages 66-68 views

Legal Problems Related to the Process of Gender Reassignment and the Protection of the Rights of Intersex Patients in the Russian Federation

Dovnar A.


Among the congenital pathologies of sexual development, hermaphroditism is of the greatest interest as a disease that, on the one hand, provokes social discrimination against persons diagnosed with gender formation disorders, and on the other hand, acts as a trigger for the violation of the rights of intersex people in a variety of social relations. Among the problems identified during the study, we can identify: 1) gender reassignment is made only after the diagnosis of «transsexualism», preceded by a psychiatric examination, whereas hermaphroditism is not associated with mental disorders, but occurs against the will of the patient; 2) there are «blank spots» in the existing gender reassignment procedure: the term of the state of an intersex person under the supervision of a psychiatrist has not been established, the requirements for medical institutions involved in the examination of such patients are not specified, it is not clear whether the attending physician of an intersex person can be a member of the council gender reassignment doctor; 3) due to the limited legal capacity of minors, the priority in choosing the legal and actual gender even in a situation with an intersex child belongs to his parents, which often cripples a small patient. To solve the identified problems, the researcher proposed: 1) to provide at the level of legislative and by-laws for intersex persons to change gender to a different diagnosis than transsexualism; 2) to overcome «blank spots» only after a comprehensive discussion of problematic aspects with all interested parties, after which it is possible to develop normative regulation; 3) when diagnosing hermaphroditism in a child, preference should be given to the opinion of medical specialists, who will have the right to postpone surgery with an unambiguous sex determination, while the parents should have the right to choose the «gender of education» of the child.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):69-76
pages 69-76 views

Some Aspects of the Use of Digital Technologies in Domestic Banking

Reutskiy S.


The paper contemplates to the digitalization of domestic banking activities. The paper analyzes the conditions necessary for the digitalization of banking activities, one of which is the conclusion of an agreement in the form of a smart contract. In addition, the article identifies the subjects of banking activity and defines their role in its digitalization. The purpose of the study is to analyze domestic legislation, local regulations of financial platform operators regulating the use of digital technologies in banking. Conclusions obtained during the study. Conclusions obtained in the course of the study. Currently, digital platforms and systems have appeared that provide banking-related services. Subjects of banking activity (Bank of Russia, credit and non-credit organizations) play a different role in its digitalization and, depending on it, are endowed with different functions. The possibility of implementing banking activities in a digital format is associated with the conclusion of a smart contract by the parties to the transaction.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):77-79
pages 77-79 views

On the Problems of Legal Regulation of Crowdfunding in the Russian Federation

Khanova Z., Saparova K.


This scientific work analyzes the concept of crowdfunding, provides the most striking examples of the successful implementation of the collective financing method, examines the problem from a legislative point of view, highlights the shortcomings and suggests solutions, as well as proposed changes in legislation.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):80-82
pages 80-82 views

Activities of Professional Solicitors and Civil Servants as a Part of Joint-Stock Companies with State Participation Board of Directors

Pavlyuk A., Khaustov M.


The purpose of the study. The article deals with the problems of the activities of professional solicitors and civil servants as members of joint-stock companies with state participation boards of directors. The state, represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management and the Government of the Russian Federation, regulates the activities of joint-stock companies in which the state acts as a shareholder through selected civil servants and professional solicitors. The article analyzes the regulatory framework for the activities of professional solicitors and civil servants, and also examines the experience of foreign countries in regulating the activities of state representatives on the boards of directors of corporations with state participation.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):83-88
pages 83-88 views

Applicability of Contractarian Theory of a Firm to Determination of Position of Minority Shareholders of Russian Non-Public Corporations

Ledenev V.


Goal. In the article applicability of contractarian theory of a firm to analysis of status of minority shareholders of non-public corporations is researched. The theory was elaborated in foreign literature (for instance, in the articles of F.H. Easterbrook and D.R. Fischel), but is still significantly unknown to Russian law science, aspects of its relations with Russian law was not examined. Conclusions. It is noted in the article that the theory see minority shareholders as subjects of relations regulated by voluntary acts (contracts) of different legal nature, which are made irrationally and require state intervention. The conclusion that Russian law is based upon the premises which are not contradictory to the contractarianism is made on the basis of analysis of the positions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and Russian legislation. Russian law also sees corporate relations of members as based upon transaction which as contracts are voluntary, but sometimes require state intervention. Essence of contracts, according to contractarianism, is not reduced to legal relationships, but anyway has legal significance. It is also proves applicability of the theory in Russia. Theoretical significance. For the first time the conclusion about possibility of application of contractarian theory is made due to significant uniformity of positions of the theory and Russian law. The theory provides alternative economic view for the law scholars as to position of minority shareholders as similar to the position of a weak party of a contract, not a weak party of corporate relations.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):89-93
pages 89-93 views

On Possible Areas of Use of Artificial Intelligence as a Legal Assistant: Pros and Cons

Berova J.


Artificial intelligence technologies are among the most discussed at present. Their implementation demonstrates significant results and creates new challenges and threats. In this context, the particular relevance of the study of artificial intelligence and the possibilities of its use in the field of jurisprudence should be noted, since this area of the life of society and the state is characterized by the multidimensionality and scale of the ongoing processes, which are associated with the presence of a large number of routine actions. The purpose of the present study is a comprehensive analysis of the possibilities of using artificial intelligence as a legal assistant. Artificial intelligence should now be perceived as an integral part of improving the life of society and the state, however, the implementation and use of the above technologies seems to be very ambiguous. The authors come to the conclusion that the introduction and active use of artificial intelligence in jurisprudence has a number of advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, this improvement in legal assistance creates qualitatively new opportunities for the implementation of significant law-making and law enforcement processes, on the other hand, very specific challenges and threats to private and public interests arise as part of the use of the above technologies. The fundamental importance of timely legal regulation of the introduction of artificial intelligence and its dynamic technological improvement is noted.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):94-97
pages 94-97 views

Trends in Improving Legislation and Law Enforcement Practice in the Field of Countering the Crime Provided for in Article 194 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation «Evasion of Customs Duties, Special, Anti-Dumping and (or) Countervailing Duties Levied from an Organization or an Individual»

Kameneva A.


The article examines the features of criminal liability for evasion of customs duties, special, anti-dumping and (or) countervailing duties levied on an organization or an individual, and analyzes the relevant objective and subjective signs of the composition of this crime in accordance with the latest legislative innovations and taking into account the problems that arise in the practical sphere when qualifying Article 194 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Within the framework of this article, the reasons for legislative changes that cause the introduction of an additional condition for criminal liability for evasion of payment of special, anti-dumping and (or) countervailing duties are determined. The author analyzes the expediency of legislative expansion of the conditions for criminal prosecution under the article in question and draws conclusions aimed at determining a unified theoretical approach for the implementation of the correct qualification under Article 194 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account legislative changes, and also provides proposals for further improvement of criminal legislation in a similar vein.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):98-102
pages 98-102 views

Conflicts in Legislation Establishing the Procedure for Transferring Securities, Participatory Interests, Shares in Authorized (Share) Capital of Organizations for Trust Management under the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Combating Corruption

Afanaseva O.


Purpose of the research. Questions of law enforcement activity on definition of the arisen situation as conflict of interest and problems of its settlement as well as minimization of its consequences are rightly referred by scientists and law enforcers to the number of urgent and sufficiently reflected in scientific literature. Among the most common causes of conflicts of interest that have not yet found adequate legal regulation due to the lack of effectiveness of modern anti-corruption legislation, as well as its collision, loopholes and blanket, is the possession by a certain category of public persons of income-generating assets, including securities, shares in the authorized capital of organizations. The research is aimed at finding and characterizing the conflicts and gaps inherent in the modern anti-corruption legislation in terms of establishing the procedure for transferring securities, shares in authorized (share) capital of organizations for trust management, as well as determining the main directions and developing specific proposals to overcome them in order to form an effective mechanism to resolve conflicts of interest. Conclusions. The author has allocated the basic conditions of occurrence of conflict of interests, having analyzed a set of federal laws and subordinate acts regulating counteraction to corruption, has concluded that a wide enough but not precisely defined list of persons who are entrusted with execution of duty on prevention and solution of conflict of interests, and also there is no normative legal act fixing a unified procedure of notification by the person about occurrence (about possible occurrence) of conflict of interests, and also a unified order of the conflict of interests. At the same time the author, summarizing the results of the study, proposed the main directions of formation of the mechanism of transfer of assets, including the notification of statutory persons.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):103-107
pages 103-107 views

Topical Issues of the Formation of the Legal Composition of the Jury

Fadeeva E.


The article analyzes problematic issues related to the formation of the legal composition of the jury. In particular, the author analyzes the issues of selection of candidates for jurors, verification of information about them, and also considers problematic issues of the parties' statements of unmotivated challenges to candidates for jurors. Based on the analysis of the norms of legislation and judicial practice, the author makes proposals to improve the norms of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation on the issues under consideration.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):108-111
pages 108-111 views

On the Legal Regulation of Restrictions Associated with the Emergence of Epidemics in the Territories of the Russian Federation

Grischenko L., Sinodov I.


The purpose of the study. The article raises the problems of legal regulation of restrictions related to the occurrence of epidemics in the territories of the Russian Federation. Studies have shown that the basis of the legal framework for combating COVID-19 disease is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Constitutional Laws and Federal Laws of the Russian Federation, Presidential Decrees and Government resolutions of the Russian Federation. Analyzing the adjustment of the legislative framework and the adjustment of the adopted plans and programs at the federal and regional levels, the authors draw attention to the fairly free interpretation of the rights granted by regional leaders on the issues of restricting the rights and freedoms of citizens enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Conclusion. Without generally criticizing the restrictive measures themselves, the authors make an attempt to justify the expediency of bringing regulatory legal acts on the subjects of the Russian Federation in line with modern Russian legislation.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):112-116
pages 112-116 views

Analysis of the Legal Status of Observers in the World Customs Organization

Mozer S.


Purpose. To analyze the legal status of observers in the World Customs Organization (WCO). Design/methodology/approach. The research article is devoted to the issue of the legal status of observers in the WCO. The subject of the study is the legal instruments and tools of the World Customs Organization, as well as its acts regulating the legal status of observers. The research material presents the historical aspects of the participation of observers in the WCO activities, analyzes their international legal status, and also considers the procedural aspects of the work of observers in the activities of the working bodies of this organization. Based on the results of the study, conclusions and recommendations were formed within the framework of cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Commission and the WCO. Social implications. Conducting a study of the legal status of observers in the WCO is associated with the implementation of paragraph 11.7.5 of the Strategic Directions for the Development of Eurasian Economic Integration until 20252 in terms of cooperation with this international organization. Practical meaning. The results of the study are of interest to the customs cooperation block of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), and can be used by specialists from customs and other executive authorities in the EEU Member States, EEC experts to organize and implement mutually beneficial customs cooperation between the EEC and the WCO. The article is recommended to researchers, teachers, students, graduate students and other categories of students in the Russian Customs Academy, in other universities and the WCO regional training centers in the specialties «Customs» and «Jurisprudence». Originality/value. The research material is based on an analysis of the practical aspects of the activities of the EEC, the WCO and is a continuation of scientific and practical publications on the improvement of the EEU law in the framework of interaction with the WCO.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):117-124
pages 117-124 views

Legal Intellectual (Business) Games as an Effective Method of Teaching Students of Civil Law Specialization in the Disciplines of «Civil Law» and «Arbitration Process» with Elements of Practicing Soft Skills

Ivanova E., Barkova A.


The article describes the experience of conducting a legal intellectual (business) game on «Calculation of penalties for improper performance of obligations under a state contract for the supply of goods» when teaching students of the legal profile of civil law specialization. At the same time, the lesson is structured in such a way that the working out of this topic takes place within the framework of an imitation game in the form of working out a specific legal dispute (case) in a lawsuit. The intellectual legal game is intended for undergraduate and/or graduate students who have studied or are in the process of studying such disciplines as «Civil Law Part 2» and «Arbitration Process». Based on this experience, scientific and methodological recommendations for the preparation and conduct of such a seminar are presented, which ultimately contribute to improving the quality of the practice-oriented component of education necessary for mastering or improving professional qualifications. The authors substantiate that conducting the proposed lesson using a complexly organized method of teaching-a business game (including a combination of several interactive methods) contributes to the formation of the majority of students' universal, general professional and professional competencies, skills and abilities established by the relevant regulatory documents, and, as a result, ensures their high readiness to carry out professional activities.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):125-130
pages 125-130 views

The Information Sphere as a Source of Threats to the Economy, Science, Education and Russia as a Whole

Anishchenko A.


The work examines the problems of security of the most important spheres of life of Russian society: economy, science and education, and their protection from threats, the source of which is the information sphere. The easy and practically unlimited availability of information, the resulting simplification of the educational services provided, the ease of issuing printed publications, the weak information security of business entities and the Russian economy as a whole-all this forms a specific source of information threats to the security of Russia.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):131-136
pages 131-136 views

The Factor of Trust in the Functioning of Modern Digital Platforms

Zambalaeva T.


The aim of the work is to study the role of trust in the structure of transactions made on digital platforms. Trust on digital platforms is built through reputation ratings, reviews, and comments. The study is being conducted on the Wildberries digital platform. The sample included 62 reviews posted on the platform from 22.06. 2021 to 01.21.2022 in the product category «headsets and headphones». The main method of analysis is econometric analysis in RStudio. From each review left, data was collected, namely, a rating score, the presence of a review with a photo, an image in the user's profile (avatar), additional information about the user, gender, user activity and the total period of registration on the platform. As a result, out of 62 reviews, negative reviews are given by men. The gender distribution of reviewers is 42 women and 20 men. In general, buyers pay attention to the rating score, reading the content of the reviews, considering it a more informative factor. A high product rating helps to reduce the degree of uncertainty when making a purchase decision. Thus, online reputation on the platform is essential for making a purchase and is considered a key signal for demonstrating trustworthiness towards market participants.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):137-140
pages 137-140 views

Forecasting Migration Processes in Germany

Tregub I., Abraimova K.


This article examines the migration processes in Germany, which have a great impact on the national economy. Based on statistical data from open sources for the period from 2005 to 2020 a correlation-regression analysis was carried out. This analysis made it possible to identify significant factors influencing the dynamics of migration processes. These factors include the domestic national product, wages and unemployment rates. The constructed econometric model allows predicting the level of migration and making management decisions on measures to influence it.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):141-149
pages 141-149 views

About Some Specific Limitations of Data Mining Application

Gobareva Y., Gorodetskaya O.


Task. In modern market conditions, economic entities solve issues related to forecasting, making timely management decisions, on which the effective conduct of business depends. To make managerial decisions, information is used that comes from various sources (external and internal) and not only in large volume, but also in different types. In order for the decision to be optimal, the information used must be accurate, high-quality, purified and transformed from the influence of various factors. To obtain such information, modern methods of «excavation» of data (Data Mining) are used, which make it possible to reveal patterns and relationships hidden in them. In this regard, the task of studying the fundamental limitations inherent in the methods of data excavation, which has not yet been sufficiently studied, is topical. The article discusses typical data mining tasks and identifies common limitations used in solving data analysis methods. Examples of restrictions on the generality of regularities revealed on the basis of data analysis are given. Model. The article explores various methods of «digging» data for solving typical problems of data classification and clustering, identifying associations and sequences, which allows for forecasting, analysis of deviations and visualization of data in the sections required by the user for making management decisions. Conclusions. The results obtained by the authors suggest that Data Mining methods should be used with great caution regarding the prospects and breadth of their capabilities. In particular, the authors' research revealed that when using them, it is necessary to take into account the level of aggregation of meaningfully heterogeneous data into indicators that form the information base of analytical models. Practical importance. The practical importance of the study lies in the fact that it shows the possibility of obtaining ambiguous results when using different methods for solving the same problem, which in turn leads to problems associated with the objectification of the results obtained. To this end, it is necessary to develop formal-logical tools for processing Big Data, strengthening the correspondence of formal models to their biological prototype.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):150-155
pages 150-155 views

Price Formation Mechanism and Reasons for the Increase in the Cost of Motor Fuel in the Context of Economic Security

Alaberdeev R., Gaponenko V.


The purpose of writing this article is to conduct a study in the field of identifying the main reasons for the increase in the cost of motor fuel in Russia in the context of economic security and to make a comparative analysis of the cost of fuel in key countries. The theoretical significance of this article is the analysis and systematization of scientific research related to the mechanism of price formation and the reasons for the increase in the cost of motor fuel in the context of economic security. The practical significance of the presented study is that the main reasons for reducing the consumption of motor fuel by the population and the decrease in oil refining in Russia in the context of economic security are established, as well as mechanisms are proposed to neutralize this phenomenon and reduce the cost of motor fuel, which will improve the pricing mechanism and identify reasons for increasing the cost of motor fuel in the context of economic security. The conclusions obtained in the course of the study are as follows: scientific research related to the mechanism of pricing and the reasons for increasing the cost of motor fuel in the context of economic security is systematized, the features of its development in modern conditions are disclosed; recommendations are proposed for the development of legal norms for establishing domestic prices for the specified product, which will contribute to the activity of small and medium-sized businesses and citizens to engage in entrepreneurial activities in the context of economic security; to ensure a balance of interests of the individual, society and the state, introduce quotas for oil companies to supply oil to Russian oil refineries in the context of economic security, in case of violation of the conditions of domestic supplies, provide for severe administrative measures in the form of multiple fines and deprivation of benefits during oil production, as well as introduce export oil export duties and quotas in the context of economic security; revise the terms of the tax maneuver towards stabilizing the domestic market and providing benefits to companies operating in Eastern Siberia, in the conditions of the Far North and companies producing super-viscous oils, while the main condition should remain the interests of the state as the owner of the subsoil and responsible for the socio-economic situation in country in the context of economic security, and not the interests of investors, while it is possible to use the experience of Norway, where tax conditions are established that allow the main income to be directed to the state budget and develop various sectors of the economy; with an annual increase in motor fuel prices, proceed not only from the interests of oil companies, investors, banks, but also take into account the interests of citizens who have low incomes, which does not allow them to actively engage in economic activity in the context of economic security; to stabilize oil production and guaranteed supplies of oil for domestic consumption in the context of economic security, it is necessary to take measures (legislative, managerial) to develop competition, which will allow the revival of small and medium-sized businesses in the context of economic security; it is proposed to do this in an indisputable manner to withdraw from vertically integrated companies the fields where they stopped producing oil due to unprofitability and redistribute them among small and medium-sized companies in the context of economic security, it is possible in parts where they can continue production (US experience) . There is also the Russian experience in the Republic of Tatarstan, where in a similar way they achieved an increase in oil production in the context of economic security.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):156-162
pages 156-162 views

The Economic Nature of the Incentive Reward of the Insolvency Officer and the Grounds for its Payment

Akulov A., Ryakhovsky D.


The article deals with the economic and legal features of the payment of incentive reward to insolvency officers in the framework of debtor's bankruptcy cases; the grounds for the payment of subsidiary reward in the context of regulations in the field of bankruptcy and the position of the Federal Tax Service of Russia as an authorized body in bankruptcy cases are disclosed; on the example of bankruptcy practice, the role of the authorized body and insolvency officers in resolving disputes on bringing the persons controlling the debtor to subsidiary liability and paying them incentive reward is shown; the features of the payment of reward in the recovery of subsidiary liability from the persons controlling the debtor in the form of compensation are considered. The research was carried out in order to generalize modern theory and practice in revealing the nature of the bankruptcy reward and the conditions that determine the grounds for paying incentive reward to insolvency officers when bringing the persons controlling the debtor to subsidiary liability, which will improve the efficiency of the implementation of the procedures used in bankruptcy cases, on the basis of modern motivational mechanism.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):163-168
pages 163-168 views

Public-Private Partnership in the Penitentiary System of Foreign Countries: Prospects of Development the Economic Aspect

Radchenko E., Drozdova E.


The prison system around the world is an institution designed to safely locate people who have been convicted of crimes and sentenced to prison. These persons are known as persons convicted to deprivation of liberty. The more dangerous the crime, the longer the sentence is served. For certain crimes, such as murder and armed robbery, criminals can be sentenced to prison for the rest of their lives. Throughout the world, crime is a socially dangerous act and, as such, the prosecution and punishment of criminals is a legitimate duty of the government. Undoubtedly, the punishment of criminals and their incarceration is supported by the legitimacy provided by the government for this purpose. Heads of penitentiary institutions (public or private) in foreign countries can use several strategies to improve their performance standards. However, some of these actions depend on the ability of correctional managers to cope with certain institutional constraints. The concept of a private prison, especially in some developed countries of the world, is hotly debated among scientists and public analysts. The General idea of the concept is to transfer prison facilities to the private sector under a contract with the government.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):169-172
pages 169-172 views

The Evolution of the Concept of «Investment Climate» in the Transition Economy of Russia

Alekseev V.


The article is of a theoretical and methodological nature, where the investment climate is considered from the standpoint of a systematic approach not only as a set of factors and the territory of economic activity, but also as a complex socio-economic system of objects and subjects of investment activity ranging from the individual to development institutions. In the study of the concepts of investment climate and financial infrastructure, the general theory of systems was applied, built on axiomatic premises, in which any object of the surrounding material and spiritual environment is considered as an object-system, a set of sets. In the methodological plane, it is very important to disclose (detail) such a little-studied component (subsystem) of the investment climate as the comfort of life. This and the previous research conducted by the author provided the prerequisites for clarifying and updating the concept of investment climate and its applied use.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):173-179
pages 173-179 views

The Article Examines the Influence of Social and Economical Factors on the Dynamics of a Company's Market Value

Fedotova M., Tazikhina T.


The article examines the influence of social, environmental and corporate governance factors on the dynamics of a company's market value. The relevance of the study is associated with sustainable development and the adoption of ESG principles in investment, valuation and financing. The article aims to study the impact of social and environmental factors on the formation of the company's market value. Companies in current conditions are the object of the study. The subject of the article is the transformation of the company's value formation processes influenced by social and environmental factors. The author concludes that there is a moderate relationship between SDS and the company's market value indicators. The study proves that meeting the ESG criteria has a negative impact on the market value of a company in the short term and positive in the long term.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):180-184
pages 180-184 views

SITNOV ALEKSEY ALEKSANDROVICh 09.03.1955 - 11.02.2022

Editorial B.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):185
pages 185 views

Legal Audit of Corporate Documents

Kashirskaya L., Zurnadzhyants Y., Krasavin N.


A task. The activities of any enterprise must be carried out in accordance with the law, this aspect is one of the fundamental in the safety of the company's activities. To establish this compliance, a legal audit of corporate documents is carried out, which is the subject of research in the article. The legal audit of corporate documents for their compliance with the requirements of the current legislation is a check of the legal protection of the company, its management and employees in order to assess the compliance of legally significant documents regulating the actions and relationships of the company with the current legislation, as well as to identify vulnerable points of providing corporate documents to the business, without which the company faces financial losses, administrative and criminal liability. Model. The article proposes a classification of corporate documents, presents the procedure for conducting a legal audit of corporate documents for their compliance with the requirements of current legislation and possible typical violations detected during its implementation. Conclusions. The direction studied in the article is an important line in the company's activities due to the fact that all the processes of its functioning are not possible without the participation of corporate documents, and their legality is a security measure of the legality of the company's life. At the same time, this area of audit has not been fully investigated and presented for practical application. The measures proposed in the article will improve the procedure for conducting a legal audit of corporate documents for compliance with the current legislation, as well as systematize existing requests from company managers regarding the use of methods of checking this area for preventive purposes in the organization's activities. Practical significance. The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that the conclusions obtained and the proposed fundamentals of the methodology of legal audit of corporate documents for their compliance with the requirements of current legislation are the core for developing optimal positions of constituent, administrative and other corporate documents, as well as regular monitoring of their updating and rationality of formation. Originality. The uniqueness of this article is due to the fact that both legislative acts and scientific literature pay little attention to the composition of corporate documents and key aspects of the methodology of their legal audit.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):186-195
pages 186-195 views

Permanent and Temporary Tax Differences-Good or Bad for the Company?

Kashirskaya L., Krasavin N.


A task. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, companies must keep tax records in order to calculate income tax. At the same time, tax accounting differs from accounting, since it is based on other principles. This article compares accounting and tax accounting, and also gives an assessment of certain differences that have arisen. The purpose of this article is to analyze tax legislation, including its impact on Russian companies. Model. The article offers a classification of tax differences, explains the reasons for their occurrence. The adopted legislative acts in the field of taxation (income tax) are assessed from the point of view of their expediency, both for the state and for companies and the country's economy as a whole. Conclusions. The issues examined in the article are quite important, since they affect the overwhelming part of Russian business. The article raises the question of how to most effectively build a tax accounting system to obtain the greatest benefit. In addition, the focus is on which companies do it better, and which ones do it worse, and why. Originality. The uniqueness of this article is due to the fact that the author uses mathematical calculations to confirm his conclusions and relies not only on legislative data, but also on statistical data.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):196-203
pages 196-203 views

Organization of Exhibition and Fair Activities of Institutions of the Penal System: Status, Problematic Aspects, Directions of Development

Zarubina O., Zvyagina A.


The purpose of the research. The article is devoted to the consideration of aspects of the organization of exhibition and fair activities at the federal and regional levels, the analysis of the implementation of this activity by institutions of the Penitentiary System. Conclusions. Exhibition and fair activity is one of the key methods of competition and effective means of communication policy within the framework of economic activity, the result of which is to stimulate sales of manufactured goods and services, including by institutions of the Penitentiary System. The authors analyzed the regulatory and legal regulation of exhibition and fair activities in the Russian Federation and revealed the imperfection of the legislative consolidation of this area. The level and dynamics of the implementation of exhibition and fair activities in the Penitentiary System in the temporal and territorial context are considered. Based on the analysis, the authors describe the problematic aspects of the implementation and priority directions of the development of exhibition and fair activities in the Russian Federation as a whole, and in the Penitentiary System in particular. The key directions of promotion and popularization of products produced by the industrial sector of the Penitentiary System are outlined. Exhibition and fair activities contribute to the formation of a positive image of the Penitentiary System in the eyes of the public.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):204-211
pages 204-211 views

Assessment of Financial Stability and Independence in the Audit of Management Effectiveness

Kashirskaya L., Perepechkina E.


A task. Any of the companies always strives to independently find ways to improve the efficiency of management based on the specifics of their activities, the established organizational structure of management, economic performance, available resources and much more, but management cannot be fully effective without its regular assessment and the availability of timely adjustment opportunities. It is evaluation and control that is becoming an increasingly popular service offered by audit organizations, and for this purpose, the article suggests tools for verifying the effectiveness of management and assessing the financial stability and independence of the company, which can be carried out as part of the audit of management effectiveness. Model. The article presents the procedure for conducting an audit of management effectiveness, within which the control of the financial stability and independence of the company is highlighted in a separate position, possible typical violations identified during their implementation are proposed and questions are drawn up for the purposefulness of the audit process and the definition of its areas. Conclusions. The direction studied in the article is an important line in the company's activities due to the fact that all the processes of its functioning are not possible without timely and prompt intervention. At the same time, this area of audit has not been fully investigated and presented for practical application. The measures proposed in the article will improve the procedure for conducting an audit of the effectiveness of management, as well as systematize the issues of using the methodology of checking this direction in order to strengthen the results achieved, and, undoubtedly, for preventive purposes in the organization's activities. Practical significance. The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that the conclusions obtained and the proposed elements of the methodology for auditing the effectiveness of management, and, in particular, monitoring the financial stability and independence of the company, are the core for developing optimal management positions of the company and creating preventive measures against the inadmissibility of detected violations. Originality. The uniqueness of this article is due to the fact that both in legislative acts and in the scientific literature little attention is paid to the key aspects of the methodology of both the audit of financial stability and independence of the company and the audit of the effectiveness of management in general.
Economic Problems and Legal Practice. 2022;18(1):212-217
pages 212-217 views

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