
Some Features of the Qualification and Application of Criminal Non-fulfillment of Duties for the Upbringing of a Minor
Kovalevich M.
Selected Aspects of Scientific Forensic Analysis of Abuse of Authority in the Banking System
Kostyleva G.
Some Issues of the Use of Special Knowledge in the Investigation of Crimes Related to Household Gas Explosions (On the Example of Mongolia)
Chinbat A.
Genesis and Legal Essence of the Institution of Abuse of Law
Nikulin A., Gabaraev A.
Criminally-Legal Prevention of Sexual Assaults Against Minors on the Internet: Foreign and Domestic Experience
Arkhiptsev I., Aleksandrov A., Maksimenko A., Glushkov E.
Case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union on Market Abuse at European Level
Klimek L.
Crimes in the sphere of health care: problems of systematization and legislative regulation
Ilin D.
Case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union on Criminal Issues Within Market Abuse at European Level
Libor K.
Some problems of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of taxpayers in the implementation of tax control
Savostyanova S.
Some problems of legal assessment of consequences of abuse and abuse of power
Seregina E., Kravtsova E., Khasanova N.
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