Features of the Formation and Development of a Lean Manufacturing System (On the Example of some Companies in the USA and Europe)



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The purpose of the research is to reveal the features of the implementation of the «Lean manufacturing system» in companies in the USA and Europe, showing that despite the fact that this system reflects the features of the Japanese mentality, it can be successfully applied outside of this country. Conclusions. The introduction of the lean manufacturing concept does not automatically mean an increase in labor productivity or the work culture of company employees. The introduction of lean manufacturing can be carried out in completely different ways and with different results. For the introduction and successful implementation of «Lean» in companies, the necessary conditions are required: taking into account the existing forms of labor and production organization, the peculiarities of the mentality of employees, etc. The introduction of lean manufacturing in companies in the USA took into account the experience of Fordism, the peculiarities of individualistic psychology of employees, the specifics of recruitment and training, while in European companies, when using Lean, the emphasis was placed on motivating staff, activating their participation in the development of new methods and forms of labor organization.




Vadim Frolov

«All-Russian Research Institute of Labour of Ministry of Labour of Russia»

Email: wfrolow@yandex.ru
Аpplicant Moscow, Russian Federation


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